Hi all,
I have a very strange problem , I have a version of VirtueMart 4.0.2 10661 on Joomla 3.10.11.
I have assigned the customer group to the products the DEFAULT one , only if I try to create another group and mass assign to all products this group , unfortunately it is not assigned and I don't see the products.
Thank you very much.
VirtueMart 4.0.2 10661 is simply too old to consider bugs .. there is the free version com_virtuemart.
I have update Virtuemart last version.
I have make video for you , sorry for language italian.
https://app.usebubbles.com/hk14wDBjzMi3iYJPRBREEh (https://app.usebubbles.com/hk14wDBjzMi3iYJPRBREEh)
Not work same , i have maked shopgroup "Prezzo Visibile" and when set this group not work, is all same without price.
Thank you very much.
Hi , news for me ?
Because at the moment I can only update the 400 products manually for now.
Thank you very much.