Need to adopt Advanced Shipping by Rules for Joomla 4. Is it anyone can do it or have ready solution?
VM Shipment - Advanced Shipping by Rules for VirtueMart is included in the latest member versions of VM.
Thank you for replay. Yes I'm using it with Virtuemart 4 and Joomla 3. But it's seems impossible install to Joomla 4.
plgVmShipmentRules_Shipping_AdvancedInstallerScript::install(): Argument #1 ($adapter) must be of type JAdapterInstance, Joomla\CMS\Installer\Adapter\PluginAdapter given
and many error notices below.
I looking for possibility to install plugin to Joomla 4. I tried to use JMigrator, yes all data migrated to Virtuemart but plugin not working. It should be properly installed first I think.
The plugin is rewritten and included in VM4 under a new name. The old plugin does not work with J4.
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Quote from: Jörgen on November 07, 2023, 05:49:33 AM
The plugin is rewritten and included in VM4 under a new name. The old plugin does not work with J4.
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
I'm extracted plugin from later version AIO, zipped and tried install, and it not working with J4. Also checked XML file and there J2 support removed but no J4 support added. All with errors like before when you try add the fields.
I've done a fair bit of work with the Advanced Shipping by Rules plugin, on both J3 and J4 sites. I am currently using it live on J4 sites.
Please note you will need to install the latest VM and AIO v4.2.x. This means you should have paid licenses for your sites (
Please let me know if you need a hand getting it going. You can contact me here (
Cheers ...