I have migrated from VM 3.8.9 to VM 4.0.6, after this update, the VM search not works correctly with some UTF-8 characters like ü, ý, á, š, etc. If keyword include these characters, no results appears.
Live test on 3.8.9: https://bionebio.petben.cz/ - works OK.
Live test on 4.0.6: https://new.bionebio.cz/ - not works
(I have autocomplete plugin, but the same if I disable it. For testing just write "ovesný nápoj" and press enter.)
Joomla 3.10.10
Update: I tested on official demo: http://demo.virtuemart.net/ (VM4.0.4), the problem is the same. I reported to the bug reporting section: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=148676.0
Update 2: The same in administration.
Any ideas?
počkat na verzi VM, která nebude beta (4.0.4- 4.0.6 nejsou pro J4 ještě finální verze) a neprovádět upgrade jen proto že chci, ale až když bude funkční verze.
Jinak budete neustále psát že něco nefunguje.
J3 je stále funkční verze.
Wait for a non-beta version of the VM (4.0.4- 4.0.6 are not final versions for J4 yet) and don't upgrade just because I want to, but only when there is a working version.
Otherwise you will keep posting that something doesn't work.
J3 is still a working version.
Thank you, but this information did not help me. VM 4.0.6 is marked as stable. I'm still on J 3.10.10, I upgraded to VM 4.0.6 because the previous versions had bugs. Unfortunately, new bugs have now appeared.
I temporarily solved this problem by replacing the accented characters via JS:
jQuery("input#mod_virtuemart_search, .vm-search-custom-search-input>input.inputbox").keyup(function(){
var keyword = jQuery(this).val();
const parsed = keyword.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '');
QuoteThank you, but this information did not help me.
Oh mean, why do you so as buldog????
Version 4.0.6 is marked as stable but is not true, because is buggy.
I don't understand why your life is only take info from MAx and not testing self....
If I write you have to wait, then you must wait...
But you can repeteable write new posts if you think that world will be better :)
I have tested (see edit in my post), I searched, I went through the repository version after version, but I didn't find anything, that's why I'm writing here. I hope my bug report will be useful to solve the problem.
Another issue in VM 4.0.2, some products cannot be searched in the administration, neither by name, nor by SKU, nor by EAN. On the frontend, these products are and can be searched fine.
If you also select category in the filter, product can be searched.
This is really a strange problem. Did you update your tables to utf8mb4
I have same problem J4 and VirtueMart 4.0.7 10699
-š- in search result in blank page, If I try convert Update VirtueMart tables to UTF8MB4 i get following error.
An error has occurred.
1295 This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
The same error I get when I try to convert to utf in Joomla 3 with latest VirtueMart since they support this option.
Same problem with Greek characters on Joomla! 3.10.11 with VirtueMart 4.0.6
The search works fine with Latin characters and numbers.
Updated tables to utf8mb4 but still not working.
Any ideas how to solve this issue ?
have u tried https://dev.virtuemart.net/attachments/download/1329/com_virtuemart. ?
Quote from: GJC Web Design on September 26, 2022, 16:00:24 PM
have u tried https://dev.virtuemart.net/attachments/download/1329/com_virtuemart. ?
I tried with but the issue still exists.
Version fixed the issue for me.
package com_virtuemart.
Bream my images copletly and make website completely unsefull but is correct searches with special characters so good for that.