VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => General Questions => Topic started by: DiGwork on April 29, 2020, 16:12:54 PM

Title: Does Virtuemart allow shopper to select shipping method?
Post by: DiGwork on April 29, 2020, 16:12:54 PM
If there is more than one shipping method available to a shopper like "self collection" or "deliver to me" does Virtuemart have a way to set up so that the shopper can make the choice himself?
Title: Re: Does Virtuemart allow shopper to select shipping method?
Post by: AH on April 29, 2020, 16:21:08 PM
Yes (

Quote"Enable Automatic Selected Shipment/Payment

Default is none - Shoppers will be shown the available method(s) and have to positively choose, even when there is only one method available."
Title: Re: Does Virtuemart allow shopper to select shipping method?
Post by: DiGwork on May 07, 2020, 10:59:09 AM
OK so I have found a way to make shipping work properly as the standard Shipment Method "   VM Shipment - By weight, ZIP and countries" just does not work properly and is near impossible to set up.
I have found this  "Shipping by rules" plugin that works like a dream. Just go to their page  to download:

Have a look at their sample rules to get an idea how it works but essentially it used "<" , ">" and "=" to pretty much manage the rules and I found it easy enough to set up a set of shipment rules that work perfectly!

I hope this will be of benefit for others struggling with shipment like I did for a few days before finding this plugin.
Title: Re: Does Virtuemart allow shopper to select shipping method?
Post by: jenkinhill on May 07, 2020, 12:04:08 PM
Be aware that plugins from are no longer supported by the developer a,d may not function in future Joomla/VirtueMart versions.

I have never had a problem configuring the standard shipment plugin, but maybe you had extra-specific requirements.
Title: Re: Does Virtuemart allow shopper to select shipping method?
Post by: DiGwork on May 07, 2020, 15:51:17 PM
No extra specific requirements I just wanted it to work and it did not?? I had four different postal zones each with a shipment cost and a free shipping if purchase was over R600.00

No matter how I tweaked it or set it up it would only show one shipment method out of four to work. And then barely because if I entered a maximum amount above which shipping would be free into that field  it would fail too. that I created and would not apply selection rules to the others so if your Postal code was not a mach with th e one rule that was working then it just stated no shipment method selected.

But when I set up the other plugin everything work first go.
Title: Re: Does Virtuemart allow shopper to select shipping method?
Post by: Jörgen on May 07, 2020, 16:10:47 PM
I am not trying to convince you to choise either solution. But If you have four different shipping zones. Why would i have to choose between these four when i am not allowed to choose three of these shipping options?
If the zip codes overlap i would understand your reasoning, but only the shipping options that are applicable Will be visible in checkout.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Title: Re: Does Virtuemart allow shopper to select shipping method?
Post by: DiGwork on May 07, 2020, 16:52:47 PM
Quote from: Jörgen on May 07, 2020, 16:10:47 PM
I am not trying to convince you to choise either solution. But If you have four different shipping zones. Why would i have to choose between these four when i am not allowed to choose three of these shipping options?
If the zip codes overlap i would understand your reasoning, but only the shipping options that are applicable Will be visible in checkout.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi

No I specifically registered as different customers from different postal codes to test it (all four zones rules were identical except the postal code ranges) only the one zone worked when the postal code matched it.

But that also doesn't explain why that method also failed as soon as I set the "Minimum Amount for Free Shipment" to anything other than "0" . The moment I saved that setting that one zone failed to show at all as well. Strange.

Anyway I came right with the other plugin. So I hope it doesn't crash with future version updates. (fingers crossed) Thanks for all the support much appreciated!