I am new in virtuemart and i plan to make an eshop with that,and i would like to ask you about the compatibility with the neww joomla 4.Will be combatible or not?
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
But not now and not for the Joomla 4 Alpha. We will start with development for joomla 4, when they announce the first RC (release candidate), or maybe in the late beta phase.
Remember, Joomla 3 will still be supported for another 2 years after Joomla 4 gets released. Our priority is a stable system, so we will take our time to make everything working properly. Don't expect a VM version for Joomla 4 the day it is released.
And don't expect Joomla 4 to be bug-free the day it is released. Serious Joomla users will wait for the first two update releases at least before risking live sites on J4.
Max maybe you could come with an alpha or a beta along with J4 stable release.
It is a great opportunity to gain market share, exploiting others lagging or incompatibility with the new system.
I see the J4 as an opportunity to re-invent my business and expand my client base.
Just my thoughts.
I agree with Max
You need to wait for a stable version of Joomla4
then wait about 1 year for a stable version of VirtueMart and only then develop our own extensions to VirtueMart and remodel to J4
I also want a stable environment and functional e-shop for my clients and extensions,
so I'd rather wait another 2 years before I start programming.
What to do is that at the time of J4 deployment including a stable version of VirtueMart will already be testing Joomla5
What to do is that other ecommerce solutions including working extensions are already programmed.
You just need to warn the manufacturer of other ecommerce solutions that they are doing it wrong.
Minion Interactive s.r.o.
Quote from: pinochico on October 18, 2019, 15:41:16 PM
I agree with Max
You need to wait for a stable version of Joomla4
then wait about 1 year for a stable version of VirtueMart and only then develop our own extensions to VirtueMart and remodel to J4
No, that is too long. When an RC for joomla 4 comes out,.. it may take 1-3 months until it is really released. Usually there is not only one RC. As far as I understood the changes for joomla 4, it is not a lot todo for us. Maybe I miss important points. But I do not expect more than a month for compatibility. I expect after some days an installable version which works on the first view. Usually extension developers are the right persons to push and to find and to solve bugs. The goal is to have a ready version for the joomla 4 release and that there was also enough time to adjust the 3rd party extensions.
"We would like to remind our users that Joomla 4.0 stable is not expected before the end of 2019. At present we are intending Joomla 4.0 Alpha 12 to be the last alpha of Joomla 4 and to present Joomla 4 Beta 1 in early October 2019."
As far as I know there is no beta yet. Joomla 4 comes maybe in summer 2020. But looks like the first Beta comes now. Of course people could try an installation of it and provide some bugreports or solutoins.
Here is the list of changes https://docs.joomla.org/Potential_backward_compatibility_issues_in_Joomla_4 Most of them do not affect us, or I rewrote it already the new way, because j3.9 provides already some j4 stuff.
The rest of your text is just sarcasm, which does not fit here. As I wrote above, when you want to start your development now, install the last vm core on joomla alpha latest. Currently I know, that we use one function, which is replaced by another. We can adjust core vm as long we do not need a switch.
When they release j2.5, they changed a lot in the final RC which removed a lot problems which took a lot time (at the end for nothing). So we wait until their whole frame is mainly ready and they are just on bugfixing, then is the best moment to start the real compatibility development.
And btw, some of the team already tried Vm on j4 in Juli.
I know, sorry,
I'm a little bit nervous, because we have more than 80 extension and component for upgrade :)
Quote from: pinochico on December 05, 2019, 09:05:26 AM
I know, sorry,
I'm a little bit nervous, because we have more than 80 extension and component for upgrade :)
Our JMigrator is compatible with Joomla 4 beta and we will post all the addons necessary as then new components get updated for Joomla 4 as well.
https://www.daycounts.com/jmigrator (https://www.daycounts.com/jmigrator)
Daycaounts: Thanks :)
But I sad about 80 extensions form Easysoftware and Minion, not about all extensions which we use on websites and eshops (JMigrator is only one and external :)
If you wrote them the "vm style", then it should not a lot work. Or better said, we are all very intersted, that our extensions just work without any extra work. :-)
I have another question: Will Joomla 4 help VirtueMart become an even better product?
One feature I am waiting for, is the latest Bootstrap framework. I hope this will allow VM to ship with a more modern and appealing front-end template.
Any news on that?
Joomla 4 RC 4 is out
Dear Virtuemart team. I love your product and activley use it scince 2007. I hope to continue working with virtuemart on.
Today Joomla team has made an Announcement - Joomla 4 Stable and 3.10 Stable will be both released on 17th August.
Unfortunately this topic is totally dead and no information on update plans has been posted.
Can you, please, enclose your realistic plans on further project updates?
Work is being done in J4 compatibility.
I would wait and see how good J4 first releases are. Joomla states that 3.10 has 2 years life left after release.
So I would not be concerned for a long time yet.
I am looking forward to the complete removal of jQuery/mootools, and the transition to bootstrap 5.
Well you will not see that happening in VM
Why not?
Consider that many components and plugins that sites use will still expect jQuery - why expend massive effort in removing it from VM
Bootstrap 5 - just another framework
Of course - if you are willing to contribute funds and effort to competing such work - then you may find an audience
True, backwards compatibility is important. You can't just throw everything out at once.
However, what we can do, is allow alternatives, and provide a gateway to the better ways of doing things.
For example, gradually move VirtueMart core itself, away from old and deprecated JS libraries. The components/plugins will follow.
Joomla 4 provides such an opportunity.
Bootstrap 5 may be "just another framework", but at least it removes the burden of jQuery, and opens the way for faster websites.
At the moment, there is a sizeable "cost" of several hundred of KBs worth of very old, deprecated, and potentially insecure (https://snyk.io/blog/84-percent-of-all-websites-impacted-by-jquery-xss-vulnerabilities/ (https://snyk.io/blog/84-percent-of-all-websites-impacted-by-jquery-xss-vulnerabilities/)), scripts coming with a stock VM store.
I don't see this heritage as a benefit for the future of Virtuemart. Do you?
Of course I agree that looking at new technologies is worthwhile for any platform - it is a balance between costing your existing user base $$$'s in upgrading and accessing new customers.
jQuery.min is 32Kb not "hundreds of KB)
Please, keep Jquery...! Just developed a very specific payment plugin for a client in no time thanks to VM and jQuery...
After that pledge, today j4 was released, ¿is VM ready or in development to joomla j4?
Really don't understand this anti Jquery vibe.. it's quick, easy and light.. where is the problem?
Me neither
QuoteReally don't understand this anti Jquery vibe.. it's quick, easy and light.. where is the problem?
Quick and light is not. Easy it is.
Using an ~100KB framework (without its dependent packages) to achieve things that can be done with a few lines of vanilla javascript, is a good practice?
Security issues (https://web.dev/no-vulnerable-libraries/)
Great contribution to the total blocking time (https://web.dev/lighthouse-total-blocking-time/) (TBT)
jQuery is fine for compatibility but not for speed and most frameworks are to heavy.
But what about speed of Joomla and Virtuemart or any framework or component ?
How much site use a template frameworks or pagebuilder ?
You can do a website from scratch and use vanilla JS but how long you need to do it ?
The question is about compromise, cost /speed /easy ... because bootstrap itself load plenty of CSS and scripts for nothing, so why not removing bootstrap too ?
About jquery, you can overide it and use https://zeptojs.com/ for eg. or other light alternatives(or jquery light)
QuoteUsing an ~100KB framework (without its dependent packages) to achieve things that can be done with a few lines of vanilla javascript, is a good practice?
Security issues
Great contribution to the total blocking time (TBT)
u can use vanilla JS but as the Jq framework is already loaded and used in multiple scripts and extensions on most websites why not go with the flow?
It's 100KB downloaded once .. after that it's cached...
even this 100KB is relatively insignificant when I regularly see sites with page loads of 4-5MB -- then they add a live chat, tracking, 3rd party reviews, external media etc etc
This security issue thing ... just how many million sites are using Jq ( they say 73% of the 10 million most popular websites ) and a large % of them will be using v1 ... if this security issue was such a flaw surely millions of sites would be down or hacked or don't the hackers know about the flaws?
ok. som j4 is out. any details on when vm compatible release?
Hello, i've created a plugin that allows you to run VM3.8.9 on Joomla 4.
The compatiblity plugin with class overrides is available here:
that initializes overrides for Virtuemart 3.8.9 which are requried for Virtuemart to run on Joomla 4 code.
This is how to use it:
1. install clearn joomla 4 site
2. install our plugin from above (https://www.rupostel.com/plg_system_j4legacy.zip)
3. enable our plugin + change your database driver to "Mysqlivm"
4. download - http://dev.virtuemart.net/attachments/1285/com_virtuemart. and extract
5. install com_virtuemart.
6. install com_virtuemart.
Report the bugs within the forum.
This plugin was made for vm3.8.9 - if you are using newer VM version, please disable as many overrides in the plugin as possible within the j4legacy plugin to see if your code is fully compatible with j4.
Our OPC can be run on Joomla 4 from version 2.0.418 and for now it requires this plugin for it to work properly.
Upgrade scenario is not yet tested, but the plugin should work on joomla 3 as well as enabled so upgrading from j3 to j4 might work as well - not tested at the moment.
Please note that running VM or our OPC on Joomla 4 is not yet officially supported and thus no active support can be provided in this matter. We do not recommend to use this on a production site yet.
This is intended purely for developers who need to test their code against both Jooml 4 and Virtuemart
Best Regards, Stan
would also like to know when the J4 compatibility update will be.
Beginners 1st post wants J4 compatibility - hmm interesting
Soon - soon - now J4 is "sort of stable" work is progressing fast
Quote from: AH on August 26, 2021, 16:11:57 PM
Beginners 1st post wants J4 compatibility - hmm interesting
Soon - soon - now J4 is "sort of stable" work is progressing fast
Didn't know I demanded it.. I want to know if it is being worked on, as I've used VM for years and never felt the need for a forum account until now. What a wild concept!
Quote from: Milbo on May 13, 2019, 17:30:55 PM
But not now and not for the Joomla 4 Alpha. We will start with development for joomla 4, when they announce the first RC (release candidate), or maybe in the late beta phase.
Remember, Joomla 3 will still be supported for another 2 years after Joomla 4 gets released. Our priority is a stable system, so we will take our time to make everything working properly. Don't expect a VM version for Joomla 4 the day it is released.
I dont like to repeat myself. And we did exactly as posted above. We have already an installable core, just working on the AIO installer, now. Expect a beta for tomorrow.
QuoteDidn't know I demanded it.. I want to know if it is being worked on, as I've used VM for years and never felt the need for a forum account until now. What a wild concept!
Not a wild concept at all - but sad that after "years of VM use" this is the best you have to offer the community - you sign up for a forum account to make a post and that is a question that has been answered before.
That being said, maybe you really need it for a project.
VM4 will be J4 compatible - and it will take a few weeks and more people to test it - but as Max states there will be a beta out soon.
That's great news, I was expecting beta to take longer to arrive. I've been using VM for 14 years now and love it. I'm starting a project due for release at the end of next month, was thinking I'd have to resort to a migration for sure. But as it stands, there's hope it might happen on J4 straight away. Keep up the good work.
I would still start a new shop on Joomla 3 today and then update to Joomla 4 in a year.
No need to wait with creating a shop if the business demands it.
The update will not be a back breaker for the users, because the developers break their backs already to make the transition easy.
Quote from: stAn99 on August 23, 2021, 15:59:11 PM
Hello, i've created a plugin that allows you to run VM3.8.9 on Joomla 4.
Damn Stan, you the man.
Quote from: seyi on August 27, 2021, 14:04:56 PM
Quote from: stAn99 on August 23, 2021, 15:59:11 PM
Hello, i've created a plugin that allows you to run VM3.8.9 on Joomla 4.
Damn Stan, you the man.
Hehe, yes. Here, what I wrote in already
stAn of Rupostel wrote a plugin. So he pushed the development heavily with real help! He provided some solutions and if he did not find a solution, he just wrote hardcore overrides. This overrides again helped me to find a solution for the core.
I dont know much time he invested already, but just changing all triggers to proxy function and changing the db getErrorMsg to try catch took me days. All the adjustments took weeks already.
We have now a version which installs and it looks that most of the views work. There are still problems like that the category ajax works, but the dropdown does not update. I think i upload that version and I think the community will find solutions for the last problems.
I step by step by Stan and FIX/Workaround some VM bugs (https://www.rupostel.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3940&start=0&sid=6906f92064035595d0811e4c9991cfd8)
and you can see VM on J4:
The promised VM4 beta is great news and all that but is there any word about Joomla! 3.10 series compatibility for the current VM 3 branch?
I run a couple of medium-sized shops with tens of thousands of products and orders, so trying it out on my own right now is out of question.
Quote from: Abatap on August 31, 2021, 16:27:40 PM
The promised VM4 beta is great news and all that but is there any word about Joomla! 3.10 series compatibility for the current VM 3 branch?
Current VM3 versions are running fine on Joomla 3.10.1 - the Pre-Update Check on 3.10.1 is a bit confusing, but VM is flagged as the file sets don't contain the "required" Joomla version numbers. Works OK, though.
I would add that "upgrading" to J3.10 is not essential, but will be needed if (eventually) a site is migrated to J4 -for which there is no rush at all....
BTW I run localhost copies of important sites and check all updates there before considering changing a live site.
QuoteBTW I run localhost copies of important sites and check all updates there before considering changing a live site.
Yes or you can also test first by a staging copy and send that to live site. I using Joomla component StageIT and it works great also with Joomla 4 support. If you have pro needs :)
Quote from: AH on August 26, 2021, 18:34:54 PM
QuoteDidn't know I demanded it.. I want to know if it is being worked on, as I've used VM for years and never felt the need for a forum account until now. What a wild concept!
Not a wild concept at all - but sad that after "years of VM use" this is the best you have to offer the community - you sign up for a forum account to make a post and that is a question that has been answered before.
That being said, maybe you really need it for a project.
VM4 will be J4 compatible - and it will take a few weeks and more people to test it - but as Max states there will be a beta out soon.
Hello. Where can I download the beta? I can test it.
hello, i packed a few mods we did last friday against 10533 version and you can try it with these links:
the 533 version includes an updated router.php and updated vm2admin.js against standard 10533 version.
This is purely a DEV release for joomla 4 and might not work correctly on joomla 3.x or complex production sites
Please review this page to see if there is a newer version that includes all the bug fixes. 8.sept 2021 we've got build 10534 which includes above fixes:
best regards, stan
Hey, I'm trying to install the new VM J4 compatible version. But it says "Internal server error" when I try to install the core. My website is coolanttubes.com. If you type "2181" into the search bar, you can see the debug info. If anyone has any suggeations let me know, thanks.
Quote from: starexhaust on September 07, 2021, 06:53:40 AM
Hey, I'm trying to install the new VM J4 compatible version. But it says "Internal server error" when I try to install the core. My website is coolanttubes.com. If you type "2181" into the search bar, you can see the debug info. If anyone has any suggeations let me know, thanks.
Here is a screenshot of the error I get in the backend joomla admin when trying to install the core.
Try the version from http://dev.virtuemart.net/projects/virtuemart/files
Thanks for the response! This is the file that I'm using and referring to though! Any suggestions?
Quote from: starexhaust on September 07, 2021, 15:17:45 PM
Thanks for the response! This is the file that I'm using and referring to though! Any suggestions?
I don't get the router error when I install Joomla 4.0.2 over a Joomla 3.10.1 and then the com_virtuemart.
(but still a lot of other errors due to incompatible plugins)
Maybe try this one instead: https://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=142569.msg524833#msg524833
Perhaps also check and remove any leftover files in the tmp folder, from previous unsuccessful installation attempts.
I tried both of those things, I now get the message "Internal Server Error". Attaching a screenshot of the page that comes up when I search for a VM product on my website. Thank for helping.
If you installed the version posted here in the forum by stAn99 first and afterwards installed the version from http://dev.virtuemart.net/projects/virtuemart/files, you might have ended up with conflicting router versions. The existing router.php might load too early.
That could definitely be what happened, how would I resolve that?
Hello, Internal server error is not somthing that would be useful for this thread. It only means that there is a fatal error within PHP.
Please make sure you can provide a feedback which would be useful for VM community and DEVs, by enabling proper error reporting:
- in joomla set PHP error reporting to development or maximum
- in php.ini make sure that display_errors=on + error_reporting=E_ALL (or similar per php version)
if you cannot edit php.ini directly, or joomla error reporting does not show you errors, you might ask your hosting on how to enable error reporting and it's display in:
- htaccess (in joomla root and joomla's administrator root)
- .user.ini override (in joomla root and joomla's administrator root)
- php.ini override
- php pool error reporing values (php_admin_value[error_reporting] and php_admin_value[display_errors] )
if none of the above helps you might also check your php error log.
furthermore i suggest ot enable "debug mode" in joomla global configuration so that you can report backtraces in this forum. i suggest to disable "system - debug" plugin which might cause memory issues when you run it with less then 4gb ram per php process.
if you can, i suggest to enable xdebug extension for PHP which is helpful in detecting infinite loops/recursion and can provide better backtraces compared to standard PHP backtrace.
best regards, stan
if you installed my j4legacy plugin, just disable it in joomla extensions and install the VM10534+ or disable it within the plugin backend interface.
best regards, stan
Thanks for the suggestions. I disabled j4legacy, tried to install the core component, and I get these errors now.
Column "oc_note" ?
What is this?
This is VM standard DB field?
Is right version Mysql for VM?
Perhaps this? http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=135719.msg472909#msg472909
Also an oc_note issue is discussed here https://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=146110.0
Getting following error on a fresh installation when visiting Joomla front-end (after installing VM with demo data):
XAMPP PHP 7.4 / Joomla 4.0.3 / com_virtuemart.
0 Call to a member function get() on null
Call stack
# Function Location
1 () JROOT\plugins\system\vmLoaderPluginUpdate\vmLoaderPluginUpdate.php:56
2 plgSystemVmLoaderPluginUpdate->__construct() JROOT\libraries\src\Extension\ExtensionManagerTrait.php:242
3 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->loadPluginFromFilesystem() JROOT\libraries\src\Extension\ExtensionManagerTrait.php:160
4 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->loadExtension() JROOT\libraries\src\Extension\ExtensionManagerTrait.php:94
5 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->bootPlugin() JROOT\libraries\src\Plugin\PluginHelper.php:235
6 Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() JROOT\libraries\src\Plugin\PluginHelper.php:193
7 Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\CMSApplication.php:739
8 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->initialiseApp() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\SiteApplication.php:709
9 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\SiteApplication.php:224
10 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() JROOT\libraries\src\Application\CMSApplication.php:278
11 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT\includes\app.php:63
12 require_once() JROOT\index.php:32
When I disable the VM Framework Loader during Plugin Updates and Registration Redirect extension the error is gone.
I haven't had already mentioned issues on a clean install (PHP7.4, J4.02 and 4.03, VM3.8.9.10534), but the front end is a bit broken, specifically custom fields (screenshot attached).
This is with sample content, and standard Cassiopeia template.
QuoteI haven't had already mentioned issues on a clean install (PHP7.4, J4.02 and 4.03, VM3.8.9.10534), but the front end is a bit broken, specifically custom fields (screenshot attached).
You have to wait for new version com_virtuemart. or com_virtuemart. or you can install every upgrade from activity.
So is ok with J4?
Can we use it?
QuoteSo is ok with J4?
Can we use it?
Sorry, try self, Im not your servant (modified by mod).
Well, I was not asking specifically to you but thanks anyway for your kind answer.
There is now a test version out - not for live sites but worth looking at
I have been having issues with Virtuemart ever since I (preemptively) updated to J4.
VM still "works" on my site but it is definitely broken and I can't access the backend of it without getting error codes. I try to install every new version of VM that comes out to see if it fixes the issue but I get error codes like the ones attached. Please any help would be awesome.
The VM versions that are mentioned here (3.8.9) are release canditates and not stable versions. There are still some issues with VM together with Joomla 4 that have not been solved.
You are pretty much on your own right now if You have already upgraded to Joomla 4 on a production site. These VM versions are not stable versions and not for production sites.
They are available for users that are willing to contribute in testing the software before stable release.
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Okay I will hold off for now, hope a stable version comes soon, thanks.
Hello! I'm testing VM for Joomla! 4 and found some critical errors. How can I report the bugs? I would like to report the following:
It seems, there are some routing problems. I have a site with the main page assigned to VM default view. Instead of rendering the view `virtuemart`, the `category` view is rendered. Also, I have a menu assigned to the VM cart view. When I follow that link, I see the `category` view instead of the cart. However, if I follow non-SEF links like: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart it works as expected.
Also noticed the same thing for manufacturers view.
Found another bug: the router appends to the main page '?manage=0' or '?manage=1' according to the setting 'Manager' in the menu. If i select the top category level as the main page, it appends '?clearCart=0' or '?clearCart=1' to the URL.
@philip_sorokin you have not said which version(s) you are testing.
The latest for testing is http://dev.virtuemart.net/attachments/download/1298/com_virtuemart.
Report testing info in this thread:
The latest version released today, as well as previous one.
Quote from: philip_sorokin on January 20, 2022, 21:52:22 PM
The latest version released today, as well as previous one.
Useless infomation
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
QuoteThe latest version released today, as well as previous one.
why is it so hard to type a number? and
Just installed the stable version.
First of all thank you for your work.
I have a problem with "Shop" page since there is no State/Region/Province for Italy so it is not possible to save.
How can I solve this issue?
Thank you!
Is this with the latest stable - VirtueMart 4.0.0 10645 ? I have no problem with Italian states.
@ micropalla - normally means a JS error with your template .. much more information needed though
Yes it is the latest stable - VirtueMart 4.0.0 10645, I downloaded it this morning.
Template is Ja_elicyon on Joomla 4.0.4.
Do you need some more info?
is there a JS error?
what is the live url?
This one: http://www.atenagalleriadarte.com/index.php/it/
Anyway no State / Province / Region for any country. Not even USA.
I have also one more issue.
I created a menu voice "Shop" with Category Layout but as I click on it i receive an error response.
Prova a visitare una delle seguenti pagine
/var/www/vhosts/atenagalleriadarte.com/httpdocs/templates/ja_elicyon/html/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/products.php (78)
I switched the template to Cassiopeia and the CALL TO A MEMBER FUNCTION DISPLAYMEDIATHUMB() ON NULL issue disappeared so I think is a problem of the template.
Unfortunately with Cassiopeia template the regions of Italy are still missing and moreover as I click on the article I receive one more error:
1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4'
I agree that the states do not display on that site. No https - I always use SSL for sites, even when testing.
I don't have VM on J4 - I won't be using J4 for many months yet.
I try to go in https mode and I will reply.
I am asking my hosting to install a let's Encrypt certificate.
No way!
Now the website has HTTPS but State/Region/Province are still not available.
Quote from: micropalla on April 28, 2022, 17:18:44 PM
No way!
Now the website has HTTPS but State/Region/Province are still not available.
It has nothing to do with HTTPS. There are also no JS errors on your site. The issue is created by the jQuery Chosen library being loaded by your template. If you switch to any other template, the problem will be resolved.
The states are getting loaded correctly, but you can not see it because the Chosen library is not updating the custom HTML output.
If you add the following JavaScript to your template, then the issue will be resolved immediately.
jQuery(function($) {
$(document).on('ajaxStop', function() {
Remember to clear the cache of your site and your browser after adding the custom JS to your site. Otherwise, you may not see any changes.
Great work Jumbo!
I have the same problem. Would you mind telling me where I add this code?
QuoteWould you mind telling me where I add this code?
basic idea:
Add the following JavaScript to your template JS.
Every template has other template JS, you find it, I don't know which do you have == is not exist general place.
I found it. Works great after adding the suggested code. Thanks for your help.
I got a bag after update to VM 4. When I login to backend and select Products, first you can see all product displaying, but any manipulation like sort by ID, try to go to last page etk. result all products disappear and you can't discover them any longer under "Select Product Category". You still can manage products under category, but if you go back to "Select Product Category" list of products is empty. Please advice.
Joomla: 3.10.8
Virtuemart: 4.0.0 10645
PHP: 7.4.28
mySQL: 5.5.5-10.0.38-MariaDB-cll-lve
Quote from: joozen on May 01, 2022, 10:02:14 AM
I got a bag after update to VM 4. When I login to backend and select Products, first you can see all product displaying, but any manipulation like sort by ID, try to go to last page etk. result all products disappear and you can't discover them any longer under "Select Product Category". You still can manage products under category, but if you go back to "Select Product Category" list of products is empty. Please advice.
Joomla: 3.10.8
Virtuemart: 4.0.0 10645
PHP: 7.4.28
mySQL: 5.5.5-10.0.38-MariaDB-cll-lve
Are you using the new Admin template? Try to switch to the old one, make sure the search field and all dropdowns are empty / default value and then switch back to the new admin template.
I had the same problem when there was still a value in the old search field, the new admin template uses another field for this.
No, I'm using old one because new template not working with Multi Image Upload. Strange actually that new generation of VM doesn't have multi image upload by default.
QuoteNo, I'm using old one because new template not working with Multi Image Upload. Strange actually that new generation of VM doesn't have multi image upload by default.
Ask Patrick about upgrade
After new installation VM4 (Full installation from package) + new template HORME_3 v.2.0 (inside installation package) I see error in attachment:
Joomla! 4.1.2 Stable
PHP 7.4.27
Hello I do not see why $this->columns == 0. It should be set to be >= 1 ?
But This fix should do it:
if (((int)$this->columns) == 0)
$this->columns = 1};
$rowcount = (((int) $key - 1) % (int) $this->columns + 1;
Is there any news regarding SEF in Virtuemart for Joomla! 4? I upgraded to 4.0.2 and still have issues with the router. VM menu based SEF links (cart, e.g.) are empty (point to the home page).
Quote from: Jumbo! on April 28, 2022, 18:31:24 PM
Quote from: micropalla on April 28, 2022, 17:18:44 PM
No way!
Now the website has HTTPS but State/Region/Province are still not available.
It has nothing to do with HTTPS. There are also no JS errors on your site. The issue is created by the jQuery Chosen library being loaded by your template. If you switch to any other template, the problem will be resolved.
The states are getting loaded correctly, but you can not see it because the Chosen library is not updating the custom HTML output.
If you add the following JavaScript to your template, then the issue will be resolved immediately.
jQuery(function($) {
$(document).on('ajaxStop', function() {
Remember to clear the cache of your site and your browser after adding the custom JS to your site. Otherwise, you may not see any changes.
You are very kind but don't know where to add it.
In one of these files?
Thank you!
you can add it to your template edit_address.php
jQuery(function($) {
$(document).on('ajaxStop', function() {
but isn't fool proof - sometimes the ajax doesn't trigger and u have the state list from the last choice
Quote from: philip_sorokin on May 20, 2022, 03:30:13 AM
Is there any news regarding SEF in Virtuemart for Joomla! 4? I upgraded to 4.0.2 and still have issues with the router. VM menu based SEF links (cart, e.g.) are empty (point to the home page).
I know this is old but wanted to keep the issue relevant & am sorry to say even in Virtuemart. the issue is still present with Joomla version 4.x - once SEF is enabled, menu items that use product details layout etc break. Turning SEF or disabling SEO in virtuemart solves the issue but isn't exactly a fix. The issue stems around the router.php in Joomla 4 being overhauled breaking the router.php in the Virtuemart component. If anyone knows of a fix it would be much appreciated.
the layouts work, but not the layout "default". If you use the layout "default" the vm router isnt even called!
Hi, i have clean installation J4.1.4 and VM 4.0.2 .
I using VM product module and copy override this module from template horme_3 to my template.
In default.php file is code to price : <?php echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('prices_module',array('product'=>$product,'currency'=>$currency)); ?>
But prices are not show. I created in my template override html/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/prices_module.php
but this module dont using this file.
When i copy this file to components/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/
its OK . everything working ok.
Is it bug ??? or am i making a mistake somewhere?
Quote from: Milbo on June 20, 2022, 18:27:52 PM
the layouts work, but not the layout "default". If you use the layout "default" the vm router isnt even called!
The cart not working when assigned to a menu item. Can you tell me what I should do, wait untill you fix the router on your side or what else?
I just would like to confirm that also in the last VM update the italian city/state/region are not visible.
Maybe you can take a look at the next update to fix it.
Thank you for your work. :)
QuoteI just would like to confirm that also in the last VM update the italian city/state/region are not visible
is fixed and will be in next release
Top, thank you!!!
I confirm it works. Thanl you!
Unfortunately after upgrading to VM 4.0.6 as I click on an item I receive this error message:
1253 - COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4'
What can I dao?
I hope this is the right place to ask.
I'm trying to update to Joomla4.
I updated VM to the latest version and the test site seems to work fine.
When I go to the Joomla pre-update check, ti says that I need to update "VM Framework Loader during Plugin Updates".
If I go to the live update tab, I have the same warning.
Could someone tell me if I can contine the update anyway or how I can update the VM framework?
Thank you for your help
Hi, my advice is to don't update a live working site jet, Virtue Mart routing still have a lot of troubles in Joomla 4.
Follow this post https://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=148823.0
Hi there,
I'm not updating a live site. I have a test site that I use to check any update.
I wonder if I can update to J4 even with that warning.
Thanks for the help
Yes u can update but I doubt that a J4/VM4 is production ready yet..
It will though be a good opportunity to help with the development by reporting bugs that you come across ( with the full trace and an explanation of how to recreate the bug)
Always use the latest publicly available RC .. e.g. https://dev.virtuemart.net/attachments/download/1329/com_virtuemart.
I have Joomla 4.2.5 and Virtuemart 4.0.7 10722
My server runs PHP 8.0.25
I have created menu items like "Home" "category 1" "category 2" etc.
In the URL of my browser (firefox or chrome) I see at the end of the URL ?clearCart=0.
The problem appears on menu items that show subcategories.
I have: Joomla! 4.2.6 and Virtuemart 4.0.10 10767, PHP 7.4.33.
I have several problems.
1. The pagination doesn't work correctly when I want to return to the first page from page 2. It permanently stays on page 2.
2. When a new user registers, all notifications on email come in this way:
ЗSPAMравствуйте, [NAME].
БлагоSPAMарим вас за регистрацию на сайте [SITENAME].
Ваша учетная запись созSPAMана, но переSPAM ее использованием необхоSPAMимо поSPAMтверSPAMить аSPAMрес электронной почты.
Для поSPAMтвержSPAMения аSPAMреса электронной почты перейSPAMите по ссылке:
После поSPAMтвержSPAMения аSPAMреса электронной почты и активации учетной записи SPAMистратором сайта вы сможете войти на сайт по аSPAMресу [SITEURL], используя логин [USERNAME] и пароль, ввеSPAMенный при регистрации.
3. When I try edit product and drag images to change their order I have no result and this error appears in the console.
jquery-ui.min.js?vmver=1.9.2:6 Uncaught TypeError: (t.currentItem || t.element).find(...).andSelf is not a function
at Object.prepareOffsets (jquery-ui.min.js?vmver=1.9.2:6:42104)
at t.<computed>.<computed>._mouseStart (jquery-ui.min.js?vmver=1.9.2:6:68409)
at t.<computed>.<computed>._mouseStart (jquery-ui.min.js?vmver=1.9.2:6:5368)
at t.<computed>.<computed>._mouseMove (jquery-ui.min.js?vmver=1.9.2:6:12950)
at t.<computed>.<computed>._mouseMove (jquery-ui.min.js?vmver=1.9.2:6:5368)
at a._mouseCapture._mouseDistanceMet._mouseDelayMet._mouseMoveDelegate (jquery-ui.min.js?vmver=1.9.2:6:12509)
at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery.min.js?3.6.0:2:43064)
at v.handle (jquery.min.js?3.6.0:2:41048)
Quote2. When a new user registers, all notifications on email come in this way:
turn off activation in Joomla
I need this notifications. Emails come with this code: [NAME] [SITENAME] [ACTIVATE] [SITEURL] [USERNAME] instead of their real values.
QuoteEmails come with this code: [NAME] [SITENAME] [ACTIVATE] [SITEURL] [USERNAME] instead of their real values.
ahh... the registration is all core Joomla ... though with data passed in from VM.. does it work correctly via the Joomla registration page?
Yes, when I deactivated "VM Framework Loader during Plugin Updates" - it works properly from Joomla registration form, but it should work fine on its own.
Dear all, ik have read this topic and i do not sea an solution?
I use Joomla 3 and VM 4.0.12 10777
When i look at the "Update Information Unavailable" most of the virtuemart plugins, packages, modules are not compatible with Joomla 4. this is what i get:
Extension does not offer a compatible version for the selected target version of Joomla. This could mean the extension does not use the Joomla update system or the developer has not provided compatibility information for this Joomla version yet.
As joomla 3 has ended support and php 7 is also not supported anymore, i need to upgrade to J4 and php 8
Could you please tell when we can upgrade J4 with VM without any issues?
I hope to hear from you soon.
ps happy new year to you all!!!
Kind regards
Renata Gravendijk
You can update now. The data from Joomla about compatibility issues is old, but I guess nobody has any spare time to update their system.
Just set up a test site. Check that any third-party extensions you use also work on J4. There is no absolute need to change to J4, as J3 is supported for a long time yet, and works OK with PHP8. Although I test with J4 I won't be using it at least until the end of this year.
Dear jenkinhill
Kind regards
Renata Gravendijk
Quote from: jenkinhill on January 04, 2023, 13:07:29 PM
There is no absolute need to change to J4, as J3 is supported for a long time yet, and works OK with PHP8. Although I test with J4 I won't be using it at least until the end of this year.
Really? Joomla 3 comes to end of life on 17 August 2023. No more updates after that, even for security issues.
IMHO if somebody wishes to have a functional website/shop, till the J3 EOL, should start migrating soon.
For new websites it is just a waste of time and money to build on J3.
@balai I would generally agree with that, but as is a general problem with Joomla websites, clients are generally resistant to paying their developer for regular site rebuilds. There are plenty of VM1.1.9 sites still in operation - in fact my last 1.1.9 client site was closed just last year when the owner decided it was time to close his business and retire to Portugal. I stopped developing new sites at the beginning of this year and will only advise my remaining clients about "upgrading" versions if any issues arise that version changes would solve.
@jenkinhill Customers can ask what they want. But advising someone not to update or to follow your example (not use J4 until the end of the year) is a different story.
As an old and respectful member here, your advises better be better weighted.
I would expect from someone like you to promote the use of new and well maintained software versions, than obsolete ones.
QuoteFor new websites it is just a waste of time and money to build on J3.
Yes, If you develop only with Joomla ;D
Im looking for new eshop on the J4 and VM4 and only upgrade all our applications for shop (not VM) will be etc. 1200 hours.
Sorry, my clients not pay this.
Then we build shop on the J3. Shop will be function, on stable PHP7.4, on stable J3.10.X, on VM4.10.X
Old shop function still on J25 (10 years) and generate big money.
This new shop will be function next 2 years definitelly.
But if you someone help me and upgrade our 10 app to J4 as free, I will create new shop on J4, sure 8)
VirtueMart 4 is now very compatible to joomla 5 with the BC Plugin. This should give us 5 or more years in "peace" lol.
I did not find plans or a date for PHP9, and there are rumours about Joomla 6, but I was not able to find a roadmap with a date anylonger (there was). So we can assume that we have years of peace without update stress.
There will be a new template from our side with BS5 and so I think you can create now a shop which works for 8 years with just updating and no big problems.
Thanks Milbo, very glad to read this news!
(what is the BC plugin?)
Quote from: EvanGR on June 25, 2024, 21:46:04 PM(what is the BC plugin?)
Backward Compatibility Plugin
Hello everyone,
Is VirtueMart 4.4.0 11095 compatible with Joomla 5.2.1?
The information is missing on Joomla.
Thanks in advance
Quote from: VB74 on November 14, 2024, 11:58:48 AMHello everyone,
Is VirtueMart 4.4.0 11095 compatible with Joomla 5.2.1?
The information is missing on Joomla.
Thanks in advance
Quote from: VB74 on November 14, 2024, 11:58:48 AMHello everyone,
Is VirtueMart 4.4.0 11095 compatible with Joomla 5.2.1?
The information is missing on Joomla.
Thanks in advance
Yes of course
Thank you for sharing the plugin and detailed instructions. This looks like a great step toward making VirtueMart 3.8.9 compatible with Joomla 4.
I will follow the steps you outlined to test the setup. It's clear that this plugin is intended for developers and early testing, so I will proceed with caution and only use it in a development environment for now. If I encounter any bugs or issues, I will report them in the forum as suggested.
Your efforts in creating this compatibility plugin are greatly appreciated, especially for those of us working with VirtueMart in the transition to Joomla 4.
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