this is my template's product details page. see where the shortdescreption and the descreption is.
in the bottom there is two tabs, one for desc and one for reviews.
the question is how can i add a third tab for more information about the product?
as u know in the backend there is only two text areas, one for inputting sdesc and one for desc.
another question is is it possible to add another text area in the back for inputting the content of the third tab?
Most time, you can add a customfield and use in setting the position "onbottom", but this depend your template.
If this is a commercial template, you can check with the template support.
See http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=133140
I added the tab in the front-end successfully.
but where should i put the information for the tab for each product?
i guess a text area in the back-end of Virtuemart should be added, like "product s_desc" and "desc"
how should i do this?
Add a new product custom field and set type to "textarea"
After when you edit your product,in the last tab, you can add your new customfield created before in each product and you can fiil it.
You don't need to modify manually your code.