VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Security (https) / Performance / SEO, SEF, URLs => Topic started by: avion121 on July 12, 2015, 12:31:14 PM

Title: Duplicated Meta Descriptions/ Google HTML Improvements
Post by: avion121 on July 12, 2015, 12:31:14 PM

I have Joomla 2.5.28 and VirtueMart 2.6.16. SEO settings in Joomla are, SEF-Yes, Use Url Rewr...-Yes, the rest set as no. And by searching through forums i just cant find a solution, but its true i am no expert in this area, basically just googling for solution and i cant seem to find it :( , so i turned to posting a new topic and trying to get some help for which i would be very thankfull. The site is on this domain The problem which i have at least google shows them to me as HTML improvements are:

Duplicate meta descriptions- 682 problems(some of them below):

Cokla- Široka izbira obutve in tekstila znamk, Levis, Pioneer, Ciciban, Superfit, Gabor, Ara, Musta  This is Site Meta Description

/?page=shop.product_details&product_id=118&flypage=yagendoo_VaMazing_zoom2.tpl&pop=0&manufacturer_id=2&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=85&fontstyle=f-larger (this is very old link, cause i know i had this template on previous joomla/virtuemart version, though it still shows up)


As far i know there shouldnt be no index.php found as SEO is enabled. Is google gettin some urls from old site or i dont know what. There are so many "problems" in html improvemnets i really dont know where to start, at least in Duplicate Meta Description. Is it maybe that every category shoulda also have description cause some of them i left blank? Any tips, help would be highly apreciated

Title: Re: Duplicated Meta Descriptions/ Google HTML Improvements
Post by: Studio 42 on July 12, 2015, 13:47:30 PM
Hi avion121,

For the old links, you can remove it, in Google
TO remove duplicate content you can go here:
This permit to not use in google some unwanted url query parameters.

If you don't set a metadesc, then nothing is set.
in vm2
if ($product->metadesc) {

IN vm3 :
if ($product->metadesc) {
$document->setDescription( strip_tags(html_entity_decode($product->metadesc,ENT_QUOTES)) );
} else {
$document->setDescription( strip_tags(html_entity_decode($product->product_name,ENT_QUOTES)) . " " . $category->category_name . " " . strip_tags(html_entity_decode($product->product_s_desc,ENT_QUOTES)) );

You can use the vm3 code in YOURSITE\components\com_virtuemart\views\productdetails\view.html.php to have metadesc from shortdesc
Title: Re: Duplicated Meta Descriptions/ Google HTML Improvements
Post by: avion121 on July 12, 2015, 14:57:44 PM
Quote from: Studio 42 on July 12, 2015, 13:47:30 PM

TO remove duplicate content you can go here:
This permit to not use in google some unwanted url query parameters.

I get an error sayin:
"Property not in account

You are verified to see, but it's not in your account. "

If i try to click at bottom add property it just stays on same page. I have site also in google analitics and it seems i have it connected with google webmasters, after going to admin panel and editing web property, but still shows me same message.

Did u think maybe in Google Webmasters you go to Parameters/URL Parameters and Google Index/Remove Urls . Basically now i set settings for example. Parameter= Option= Yes- Changes, reorders, or narrows page content. And then at bottom: Which parameters should google crawl, i set to No Urls
Title: Re: Duplicated Meta Descriptions/ Google HTML Improvements
Post by: Studio 42 on July 12, 2015, 20:44:06 PM
try this link:
Title: Re: Duplicated Meta Descriptions/ Google HTML Improvements
Post by: avion121 on July 12, 2015, 20:59:22 PM
Yes i found that :) Just not sure if i set the settings right. You can see my previous post how i set it. Thanks for your help, highly appreciated, pointed me to a right direction :) Offtopic: I have also installed your sitemap, and i was wondering if have to update it everytime i add a new product, like unistall plugin and install it again.
Title: Re: Duplicated Meta Descriptions/ Google HTML Improvements
Post by: Studio 42 on July 12, 2015, 23:11:23 PM
The sitemap is dynamic and update each time google get it, most of time each month. But you can update it manually in google tools, or change the frequency.
For the parameters, look the bad parameters eg error=404, index2.php ...
Do not remove used parameters as option, or only if you are sure this get crawled with SEF.
Eg, if you change the default way google get option=XXX and disable sef, then all your site get not crawled anymore.

Quote from: avion121 on July 12, 2015, 20:59:22 PM
Yes i found that :) Just not sure if i set the settings right. You can see my previous post how i set it. Thanks for your help, highly appreciated, pointed me to a right direction :) Offtopic: I have also installed your sitemap, and i was wondering if have to update it everytime i add a new product, like unistall plugin and install it again.