Hi everybody, I have Joomla 3.4.0 + VM, I got an update notification for AIO 3.0.8.
So I updated and now all I have is a white screen in the admin area. Front-end works fine.
I read this post: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=129549.0 but there is no solution in this post to fix this.
So how do I fix this? I can't do anything in the back-end because I have no back end now.
Please help
by ftp rename the folder
administrator/modules/mod_vmmenu to administrator/modules/mod_vmmenu_
then u have BE access - install VM3.0.8
and next time - VM comp 1st! then AIO - they are a pair and ALWAYS the same version numbers
after rename back again
Thanks for the update. I renamed the directory but that didn't help. Still white screen of death! Clearing cache not helping.
oh my bad. Renamed wrong one.
Unusual - normally it's the Fatal error: Call to undefined method vRequest::vmSpecialChars() in /administrator/modules/mod_vmmenu/helper.php on line 57
then you need to find what the 500 server error is
try by ftp setting the configuration.php error reporting to "development"
otherwise logs -- plenty of info on here
Thank You for Your great work with support in the forums.
But I can understand screamingfingers. In the backend You get a notice that
You should update the AIO to 3.0.8. You don´t get a notice that You should
update the Component. This may be an oversight or it may be an error that
could be blamed on joomla update. But anyway, screamingfingers did what
he thought was the right thing to do.
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
I have the same problem and I already did all of the above, I installed joomla again (3.4) and the stable package VirtueMart3.0.6.2, also I tried with the newest on the site but nothing works, I keep having the same "internal server error". Even using SEF off. Are there any other solutions? Something that I can do to make it work on joomla 3.4?
Check the server error logs for the cause of the 500 - intyernal server error.
Hi Jörgen
QuoteBut I can understand screamingfingers. In the backend You get a notice that
You should update the AIO to 3.0.8. You don´t get a notice that You should
update the Component. This may be an oversight or it may be an error that
could be blamed on joomla update. But anyway, screamingfingers did what
he thought was the right thing to do.
I have never seen this .. did various tests with old-> new versions and both updates always show on my tests - odd
But I know Max is working on a fix for vm3.0.8.2 that won't let u install AIO without first the "same" version core.. :)
Hello GJC
I am seeing it right now. I have not tried to update to 3.0.8 yet. My website went live only couple of days ago. I have been struggling with a lot of overrides to get the shop working. I will test it thoroughly on my dev site before going live. Nice to see that a couple of bugs have been fixed. I noticed the save buttons for shipment and payment. Now I can probably use the official fix instead of my override. The same probably goes for the coupon fleld that won´t show out of the box.
Nice to hear that Max puts a check in the update so it won't be possible to make this mistake anymore :)
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
And the problem with any update notified by the Joomla system, as noted in some other Joomla component forums, is that the update prompt from Joomla is on the live site, whereas any careful/knowledgeable site owner would always want to test updates on a backup or spare copy of the live site first.
Can only agree - the whole one click update is just a recipe for trouble..
but of course if removed then a large % of users will be in blissful ignorance of the availability of an update
I have no solution
Thank you, GJC Web Design!
3rd party VirtueMart Developer
Hero Member
Hero member indeed -- the rename directory thing worked perfectly for me.
Problem was Administrator screen index.php was blank after Virtuemart upgrade to 3.0.6 using Joomla 3.4.1
"A blank screeen is an error screen" - ;D ;D ;D
For me works exactly how GJC Web Design said.
I'm Over Joomla 3.4.1
Problem upgrading from 3.0.6 to 3.0.8
The only observation is that at the end i have two folders "mod_vmmenu" the renamed and the new one, in the renamed (the old one) there are one additional file called "index.html" only with this code "< ! D O C T Y P E html > < title > < / t i t l e >" i really have no idea the objective of this file, but i let it, then i just rename the new one and start working with the old one.
index.html are put in all folders as a condition of Joomla listing your extensions
the theory is you can't browse "in" the folder as the index.html displays - safe to delete this extra folder just containing this
renaming the mod_vmmenu file to mod_vmmenu_ helped!
Thanks for the advice.
I'd been looking for a solution since yesterday.
To test updates in a test environment is for cowards!! ::)
We (brave ignorants) prefer not to run previous tests... (sorry the joke, I promise to keep update my test environment for testing)
So, after following correctly all the steps (to solve the blank screen problem) my VM shows... 3.0.8 , but I still see on Updates the VM 3.0.8 component update as available.
And when trying to re-install that update, I get this error...
An error has occurred.
1062 Duplicate entry 'tax_usage_type' for key 'name' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_virtuemart_userfields` ADD UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
Is there any way to check whether the update was done correctly?
First thing I would try is to look ad the 'jos_virtuemart_userfields' table with phpmyadmin and change one of the duplicate names in the name column.
Thank you, jjk, once the duplicated entry was deleted, I run again the update and the problem is solved.