VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Security (https) / Performance / SEO, SEF, URLs => Topic started by: gcarne on May 26, 2014, 11:31:36 AM

Title: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: gcarne on May 26, 2014, 11:31:36 AM
Response times at FE customer registration (also at payment after entering credit card details) are very long, well over 10 seconds. All other response times are fine. Is this normal and to be expected, or can I do something about it?

Jooma 2.5.19
VM 2.0.26d
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: gcarne on May 28, 2014, 15:44:46 PM
Many reads, no reply. Moderator?
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: GJC Web Design on May 28, 2014, 15:55:19 PM
Basically you need to do some research yourself - of course it's not normal otherwise there would be a string of complaints..

response times etc rely on YOUR server resources, YOUR connection etc etc etc

So therefore only you can do this research - any decent host will help you look into the problem but you need to check logs, resource usage etc etc

No one on this forum can do this for you -
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: gcarne on May 28, 2014, 16:11:49 PM
Ok - thanks for your reply. This will be difficult for me to do, it is more technical than I qualify for. I will have to start peeling the onion somewhere and will start with my host.

Thanks for replying.
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: GJC Web Design on May 28, 2014, 16:30:46 PM
Yes - host is your best bet - everything that happens on a server is recorded - they have these logs - normally the problem is getting them to play ball.
but I suspect that if you have a bog standard site setup it will be lack of memory etc on your host server
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: gcarne on May 28, 2014, 16:54:28 PM
I just had my hosting firm on the line. They ran a check while registering a new user which had a response time at about 30 - 40 seconds. They said all there logs and other data was ok and I have no reason not to trust them, the were quite helpful and took their time. They said it must be something in the script that causes this, but I do not even know where to start looking. Do you have someone or know of someone that could look into this for me, perhaps an external consultant? Could it be something in my Joomla settings? Like I mentioned before, all other parts of the website are perfectly fine, it is only at sending the registration. 
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: GJC Web Design on May 28, 2014, 19:57:07 PM
It is what I do - but not for free obviously.. you can email me if your interested  :)
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: Milbo on June 06, 2014, 12:31:33 PM
Go to your joomla extension manager,... search for the family vmpayments.... unpublish all payment plugins
Then go to your payment methods,... open any method using another plugin and store it again. then the plugins is again published automatically. That should help. We are going to replace parts of the plugin triggers with even triggers, cause the methods now already the plugin, no need to trigger always vmpayment plugin :-)
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: AH on June 06, 2014, 15:16:03 PM

More confused by your answer, but at least we know you are working on something!
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: GJC Web Design on June 06, 2014, 15:20:29 PM
Think he just means to disable any unused Payment plugins within the joomal plugin management - remember testing this a while ago and on some sites there was a significant speed increase during load.
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: AH on June 06, 2014, 17:25:37 PM
Yep I understand now

I unpublished the unused plugins as it caused an issue, bit annoying that they publish by default and that is what Milbo appears to be saying they will sort out.
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: jenkinhill on June 06, 2014, 19:10:34 PM
The aim is that plugins install as unpublished in Joomla, but still in the VM config list, and when you select one of those to use then it will automatically become published.  From my findings so far, unpublishing plugins does help on shared servers with low memory_limit, but makes no obvious difference on a good host.
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: AH on June 07, 2014, 11:35:54 AM

"Get a good host", is used too often to excuse poorly structured systems.

The vast majority of e-comm startups using a Free open source e-comm platform are not expecting to have to fork out for VPS or Dedicated server hosting solutions.

Finding a good host can be a nightmare for many startups. 

And if the platform is poorly optimised the excessive sql/server calls can, and does often, result in a "cease and desist" notice from the hoster, under fair usage policies and impacts to other customers sharing the "same" infrastructure.

( Maybe there should be a recommended host list (of course they might be expected to pay to be on the list and that in itself reduces its' validity and come to think of it, if anyone finds a great shared hoster why would they want to announce it to the world and have their system come to a dead halt  :o )

I know that the VM team are working on Code optimisation (which is where strong dev teams invest at least a proportion of their available time)

In an ideal world all VM users would have their sites running on a massively spec'd dedicated server

We are not in an ideal world, so the code needs to be optimised for good performance - just asking everyone to keep increasing their server specs to cope is not where software devs should be heading.

I shall (as always) keep the unnecessary plugins unpublished for all of the components not just VM.

And will investigate further software to "sniff" server activity

Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: GJC Web Design on June 07, 2014, 12:06:11 PM
Quoteif anyone finds a great shared hoster why would they want to announce it to the world and have their system come to a dead halt


yes - torn between two stools here - I am in the happy place of having found my perfect host...   :)

but if you all join me...   :'(
Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: AH on June 07, 2014, 12:30:28 PM
Yep GJC aren't we all.

I doubt this thread will get flooded with real "great host" finds

See how empty my post is of them  ;D

Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: gcarne on June 14, 2014, 06:44:09 AM
Hi Milbo,

In your reply you said " any method using another plugin ...". I assumed you meant using the plugin for the payment method I am actually using as it would otherwise not make sense. Well, I disabled all payment plugins in the Extension Manager and then in Virtuemart opened and saved the payment methods I am actually using (I haver four pament methods all using VM - Payment, Heidelpay). The payment method in the Extension Manager was then automatically enabled. My response times did, however, not improve. Still at about 30 - 40 seconds. But I also still have the same response times for the customer registration, which concernes me a bit.

I am using one of the bigger and most acknowledged hosts in Germany. The are very helpful and supportive and spent quite a bit of time with me looking at performance with me online. They checked logs, memory etc. and told me that as far as memory and other aspects everything with the hosting was fine.

My site is going live in twoo weeks time and I will somehow have to speed this up. Customers might otherwise give up on placing orders on my site an it will get a bad rep which will be difficult to repair later.

Title: Re: Performance at Registration slow
Post by: GJC Web Design on June 14, 2014, 16:39:31 PM
Yes - basically un-publish all payment plugins except Heidelpay

Re your server response - no one on this forum can help you if you don't provide a live link...
It is hardly likely someone will come on and say change line 34 in file xxx.php and your problems are solved

As the developers continue to write the code they always attempt to optimise it .. generally you can say the later the version the better optimised...

Your still on 2.0.something is it?  Might get an improvement by going to the latest...

But again - either you start doing some   serious degugging by looking at database calls, memery usage , I/O's etc to try and find the cause of the delay -

or -
if you want some help give a live url  - turn on all debugging and see if someone can spot something..

We have no idea what else is on your site etc - meaning comps, plugins, etc so how can anyone help further...?