I'm first time trying to build an eshop by VM and things went on very well, staying with just a little issues. This is an item I have now:
http://ekoklimat.cu.cc/index.php/konditsionery-nastennye/daikin/daikin-faq100b-rr100bv-w-detail (http://ekoklimat.cu.cc/index.php/konditsionery-nastennye/daikin/daikin-faq100b-rr100bv-w-detail)
As you can see, labels of the radio boxes are long in text after the Russian translation. I tried to place them some way better by CSS but failed. When I looked the page source, I found out that the radio boxes and their corresponding labels are wrapped in a span, but they come one after each other as: <input/><label/><input/><label/>...
What I expected was that I will find each pair of <input/> and <label/> yet wrapped inside another element, so I can easily separate a pair.
In this way I see the source code, my CSS knowledge does not let me to change the design to have them look nice. I guess that it should not be too hard to simply let the PHP to echo an element per pair. Now, sure then after each update I must do that hack which is not wanted.
What is the best way please, any suggestion?
Thank you,
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