VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Product creation => Topic started by: mpevreuls on November 28, 2013, 08:11:41 AM

Title: ordering of subproducts
Post by: mpevreuls on November 28, 2013, 08:11:41 AM
Hi All,

We are using VM2.024a to run our store on.

I have the following question. We use products with attached to it subproducts. Those subproducts are being shown with the main product on our store. Now the ordering of the subproducts is according to the ordering field in the subproducts table.
So far so good :-)

But we have products who have more then 500 subproducts attached to it. Doing this ordering manually, at creation time is not workable. So i am looking for a way to set the ordering of subproducts according to the product_name and neglect the ordering column. I have found a thread on the forums ( but this does not work for our versionl because i cannot find the file.

could somebody point me to the right direction to set the ordering of (sub)products according to product_name instead of the ordering sequence column??

Many, many thanks, Marcel