Hello -
I'm currently creating an LMS with VM 2.0.22b, Moodle2 and Joomla 2.5.14.
When the add to cart is chosen from the product display window, and the the cart displays, the item is not in the cart at all. I'm a little bit at a loss to why it's not populating.
And the url is?
Just as a note, I did modify my template's custom.css to remove the +/- next to the add to cart, since they are registering themselves for a course, it's only one at a time.
Thanks in advance.
Your site is generating Javascript errors.
Enable VirtueMart jQuery in VM Configuration under Template tab. Now disable jQuery library loading in your Joomla Template. If you continue loading jQuery library with your template then you will still face problem because it loads the same after all VirtueMart scripts overriding them to null.
Hi Jumbo,
the same problem. I've tried your advise but still not working, could you help me please? VM 3.0.2
My website http://www.vespaclubzug.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=0&categorylayout=0&showcategory=0&showproducts=1&productsublayout=0&Itemid=260&lang=en (http://www.vespaclubzug.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=0&categorylayout=0&showcategory=0&showproducts=1&productsublayout=0&Itemid=260&lang=en)
thank you very much
A year old thread is not going to help you. That was a very different VM version and a different problem. Looking at your url I see that the product does appear in the cart but the price does not show. So see these: