I would like VM to display on only one page of my website. Is that possible? Thanks!
On one page? Products, categories, cart, checkout, and so on?
No. I would like people to see my home page...not my home page, plus Virtue Mart. I would like people to click on a link from my home page to Virtue Mart. Right now it shows up on every page of my web site. Thanks!
To be more specific...See the example below. These options show up just below the MAIN MENU links on the left hand side of each page of my web site. (There is a plus or minus sign next to each one to expand or collapse them.) I don't want them on every page of my web site. How do I remove them and have them appear on only one page?
VM - Shopping cart
VM - Search in Shop
VM - Featured products
VM - Currencies Selector
VM - Manufacturer is
This are modules. Joomla menu extensions -> module manager. Go to the configuration of each VirtueMart modul and change the menu assignment.