My VM has a problem with the cart, for instance on the cart-page:
- nothing happens when the delete-button is pressed
- add a product, go to cart, add another product, go back to cart. Only the first product is there.
VM 2.0.20b
Joomla! 2.5.11
Thank you
You have a JavaqScript issue which stops the cart update function. It shows up as
Expected ')'
cart, line 338 character 125
This is the line referred to, but likely this is not the actual cause as the code here looks correct.
<input type="text" onblur="check1(this);" onclick="check1(this);" onchange="check1(this);" onsubmit="check(1this);" title="Uppdatera antal artiklar i kundvagn" class="quantity-input js-recalculate" size="3" maxlength="4" name="quantity" value="1" />
Can you get rid of Google translate and test, as Joomla 2.5/VM2 is multilingual you do not need something like translate to get in the way of cart function. I do not know if that can cause the problem you have.
Also if you installed disable any other plugins then disable those in case they cause problems.
Thanks for the quick answer.
Disabled the translation. Also disabled all the vmpayments and xmap plugins, cant think of anything else that is not joomla or vm core. But problem seems to be the same.
In that case you may have a file corruption, so I would suggest a re-install. Do not uninstall first so you don't lose your products.
Ok, thanks. You mean just install the com_virtuemart.2.0.20b.tar and com_virtuemart.2.0.20b_ext_aio.tar the usual way?
I can answer myself I think - download manual install fileset from (
NO Install the 2.0.20b components the normal way using Joomla's extensions manager.
Hm, too late. Uploaded administrator/components/com_virtuemart and components/com_virtuemart to the corresponding folders. Any harm in that? Install the normal way now?
Got it sorted finally. A feeling it was connected to the caching-system the previous webhotel used (not connected to joomla or VM)