Hello, does anybody know if the VM quote component is still available - no response from the developers - if anyone has this component would you recommend it?
It does not need a "component" as VM is flexible enough for such a system to be configured. eg see http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=111129.msg374482#msg374482
is it possible for the client to customise a price specifically for one customer? logged in or otherwise? as the pricing structure is entirely unique depending on the customer.
Yes, you can use shopper group specific pricing, so assign the shopper to their own group. They will only see their prices when logged in.
thanks for this, but wont it mean setting up a lot of shopper groups - as the pricing is different for every customer?
You can use the Product Builder component
At the moment we charge some modifications for sending the emails and getting the user's data as we are modifying the original code of PB.
But we are also developing a component named Quote Builder based on the Product Builder's structure.
The main difference will be that Quote Builder will send emails to the shop's owner (asking for quote) instead of adding products to the cart
For anyone interested here is the Product Builder page
sadly this wouldnt work either - it would be a standard product but its for repairs so every price will be different depending on how the client defines how much work is needed! great component though - wow
Actually what i think is to hide prices from the user.
Thats the meaning of the quote. No?
Later the store owner can send the user his quote containing the prices