These are the errors we are receiving when running 2.0.4 in IE7. It is imperative that these get fixed because many customers cannot proceed with their orders unless they upgrade their browsers.
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'jQuery17207137647892958014': object is null or undefined
sidebar-ebfe1c5b25c4e76f04533353b60faa0e.js, line 17 character 5891
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by
This happens when users try to 'Check Out Now'.
Are you sure this is not a jquery conflict? Please try without template overrides to verify it. For me is working fine with IE7
Check you site header if is loading jquery instances more than one and disable them, leave only one (e.g. vm2 jquery, or any 1.7.x version). Use firebug to check your site header.
Use firebug to examine your site code and styling .. also for checking js conflicts ...
Javascript conflicts:
Also you could provide a live url to test it also.
Here's the site (
Hello toad,
No there is no js conflict at all, you have done a good work, except the part that you are loading jquery more than once - three times. The errors that comes i am thinking is not related to vm2 or joomla but sometimes happen if you have mixed content where some of content is https (SSL) and others are standard http. This can also sometimes occur with facebook integration.
The best solution for that is to add trusted certificates to the whole domain not only the cart - joomla use it also.So that HTTPS access is enabled for your domain and its trusted. If the certs are not trusted IE will again prompt for adding the untrusted certificated.
Stupid IE :) May be happens to IE9 also...
Ti your jquery loading more than once issue:
1. The first error that comes on you is this: .... from there you are loading a jquery library v 1.7.2 ... from where this is loading? Already you are loading vm2 jquery ... a side bar compo? module? Loading non secure content here:
2. Somehow you are loading jquery 1.6.4 twice, please find from where and eluminated from loading.
Thank you, bytelord!
I've ran test after test on this site with my IE testers (IE Tester, and running IE9 in IE7 standard mode) and have never had any problems going through checkout, but I guess behinds the scenes other users run into problems that I can't see.
I've managed to remove one plugin and remove Superfish menu's jQuery loading. I don't see any error conflicts anymore.
I do have another questions regarding jQuery: how can I force VM2 to load the latest jQuery? It's running an older version and the latest is 1.7.
The latest jquery is 1.8.x ... VM2 uses 1.6.4 at the moment, i have test it by loading jquery 1.7.x and is working fine, using 1.8.x i had issues, so the best is to use it as you have it now if is working fine.