VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Language/Translations => Topic started by: Da Flave on December 05, 2012, 15:00:13 PM

Title: No dropdown in categories or products for second language
Post by: Da Flave on December 05, 2012, 15:00:13 PM
I cant get ES Spanish to show in language configuration even if i installed Spanish language - I get the translation to Spanish in product details
but i don't get the drop down in Categories or products to be able to make a Spanish menu. I also have Spanish installed in the Joomla part that works.

How do i create a Spanish menu in the categories?

Appreciate any help with this.... 
Title: Re: No dropdown in categories or products for second language
Post by: jjk on December 06, 2012, 22:22:37 PM
I suppose you want to have english and spanish categories. In this case you should make two copies of the orginal Joomla menu module, one for English with en-GB selected in the Joomla module language setup and one for Spanish with es-ES selected as language in the Joomla module language setup. Publish both copies and unpublish the original one. In the language specific menus, create VM 'Category' menu items for each of your VM2 categories.
Title: Re: No dropdown in categories or products for second language
Post by: Da Flave on December 07, 2012, 07:23:52 AM
I made two new category modules - 0ne for English and one for Spanish and assigned them to separate language code but now English front page shows both English and Spanish Categories - While Spanish only show the Spanish?? How can that be possible when i assigned the menu items to Spanish only..
Title: Re: No dropdown in categories or products for second language
Post by: jjk on December 07, 2012, 18:15:09 PM
Sounds to me like you still have a problem in your Joomla multilanguage setup. See here: (
Title: Re: No dropdown in categories or products for second language
Post by: Da Flave on December 08, 2012, 05:03:06 AM
I checked the module manager multilingual status and it was all good in Joomla- Second language was installed correctly - Problem is that in Virtuemart - Categories, when i open a new i get only the English flag to begin with and the drop down choice only appears after having saved - Then i save again choosing Spanish but the category still appears in both languages menu list.
Title: Re: No dropdown in categories or products for second language
Post by: jjk on December 08, 2012, 10:01:15 AM
Did you translate all your VirtueMart categories? For each spanish language category you should also have an english translation.
Note that VirtueMart always starts with the language you have set as the default frontend language, when you want to add a new category or product.
Also, you can check with phpMyAdmin or a similar database tool, if your spanish language category and product descriptions are stored in the correct database tables, i.e. 'xxxxx_virtuemart_categories_es_es' and 'xxxxx_virtuemart_products_es_es". If you find spanish text in tables with an ..._en_gb suffix or vice versa, you might have started entering spanish descriptions into english tables when you started to use VirtueMart.

Another idea is that you might use an old version of the JCE editor. If this is the case, switch to the MCE editor and check if the behaviour changes.