I have a custom field of the type 'image'. When I try to attach that custom field to a product, I don't see the image I want (just added) in the dropdownlist. I can see images but the dropdownlist is showing images which are old...
When I use my ftp I see the right image in the /images/stories/virtuemart/products folder but I can't see that image from the dropdown menu.
Even if I remove the entire /images/stories/virtuemart/products folder the dropdown menu stays the same, full of old images. I deleted the cache but the problem still remains.
I run sybchronise media to virtuemart (should not be nessecary?) but I only get this:
Found prior migration process, resume migration maxScriptTime 47 maxMemoryLimit 114
0 media-bestanden voor product in de map images/stories/virtuemart/product/ gesynchroniseerd
0 media-bestanden voor category in de map images/stories/virtuemart/category/ gesynchroniseerd
0 media-bestanden voor manufacturer in de map images/stories/virtuemart/manufacturer/ gesynchroniseerd
0 media-bestanden voor vendor in de map images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/ gesynchroniseerd
0 media-bestanden voor forSale in de map /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/vmsafe/ gesynchroniseerd
In totaal 0 bestanden gesynchroniseerd
Any idea what's wrong?
I'm using joomla 2.5.8 and VM 2.0.14
I'm still having the problem of not seeing the images I added as a product, in the dropdown menu of the custom field but... I found out that the images which are displayed, are the images of the categories!!
So... If I add a category and I give that an image and after that I go to the special field of a product and add the custom field image, I see the image I just added to the category, displayed in the dropdown of the custom field... I don't see any images which are related (and present in the /images/stories/product dirrectory) to products.
How is that possible??? what can I do about it??? :-\