I have set up an unpublished category where I assigned a discount
in the product description I assigned the products to those categories
in discount type I have "apply generic rules". Rulles affecting: my discount
FINAL PRICE does calculate correctly in backend
BUT in frontend it does NOT
If I add to cart, it's still the wrong price, so I'm guessing something's broken in the pricing system
I have found some more information:
If I publish the category, then discounts work
But that was the whole idea, to use hidden categories in order to apply some form of discount, as I found no other way to do this :(
I cannot use override, because products have some cart modifiers that change the price. And with override, you can't change the price with cart modifiers
Anyway, the problem I reported is there anyway, because in backend I see a price, and in frontend another one
uohm,... looks you do everything right. Is your rule also connected to shoppergroups? Maybe you are in the frontend not logged in.