VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Product creation => Topic started by: baggeler on March 28, 2012, 07:21:13 AM

Title: Categories and Subcategories - Weird behaviour or am I dummy?
Post by: baggeler on March 28, 2012, 07:21:13 AM
I am using Joomla 2.5 and Virtuemart 2.02 (Which says on admin panel to be the newest release !?)

I am currently setting up a Virtuemart shop for the first time and I seem to be stuck somewhere OR with Product definition OR with the frontend modules:

Website: (

I started some days ago with definition of some products and later of a category/subcategory structure (see below).
I created a new menu (called Virtuemart menu) with menu items linked each to a categories layout and configured each to link to the respective (main) category.

What I expected was at Top Level to show all Categories of products and by clicking on this their subcategories and then again the products. But this is not the case...
I seem not able to show in frontend any of the existing defined products or categories which I defined in the backend and - even more spooky than this is the fact that the products shown on Toplevel are not at all visible in the VM backend any more. What went wrong? Or am I understanding something wrong? Pls help, any hint about how where to start and debug is very apreciated!

Additional comment:
After thinking a lot about what happened between, I do remember now that I did first install original english VM, started testing by adding first products and then I installed portuguese language pack and above that complete VM spanish package... Could this be the source of the problem? Is the frontend somehow linked to another VM data than Backend? How can I test and verify this?

My Category Structure:t
by Material
- Copper
- Silver
- Gold

by Form:
- Piramid
- Sphere
- Oval

by Application:
- House
- Office
- Personal

Thanks a lot for any help