[SOLVED] Virtuemart 2 403 error on account registration

Started by broll, January 29, 2013, 17:05:49 PM

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Joomla 2.5.8
Virtuemart 2.0.18a

I have an issue where my site throws a 403 error when attempting to register a new user.

Joomla user settings:
Allow User Registration: YES
New User Registration Group: Registered
Guest User Group: Public
Send Password: YES
New User Activation: None (more on this specific setting later)

Virtuemart user shopper group settings:
anonymous ID1
default ID2
shopper ID3

I have setup a pricing group called wholesale that is designed to show wholesale prices to registered B2B customers when logged in. The specific shopper group prices work fine.

I wish for customers to register an account BUT only allow the site admin to activate the account and move the shopper from -default- to wholesale group so that wholesale prices can be viewed and purchased. This is a MUST.

However, if I set the account activation to Admin (or even Self)when a user attempts to register there is an immediate 403 erroor you do not have permission to view this resource.

This site's VM settings only allow registered users to checkout, which given the nature of the intended wholesale audience is critical, so I assume that the issue is that the site is attempting to access the checkout on registration which it cannot if the settings for user activation are set to anything other than none.

I see no welcome screen upon registration whatever the settings and only view a 403 error if the account activation is set anything other than none.

It is only fair that you know that I need a specific set-up to address my client's B2B site issues and most of these have been addressed; the point is that I am using overrides in certain areas to overcome some of the other issues that users have encountered.

For example:

An override to productdetails that addresses whether a user is logged before allowing the add to cart button to display. You can find this here

Can anyone help my site's users register with activation set to Admin without creating this 403 error?


It appears that the link to the account registration was corrupted at some point in transfer between the development server and the final hosting.

I have not been able to reproduce the error, however the link was visibly corrupt when viewed without SEF URLs turned on, oddly enough it still linked to the correct page with what looked like a standard Joomla login form query.

I had to create another offline installation and rectify at source.

I now have full control over account activation as required (specifically admin enabled customer accounts)

New User Activation is now set to Admin

I am also using a .htaccess canonical 301 redirect from non-www to forced www domain prefix

I now have a B2B site with wholesale prices visible only to registered and activated customer account holders. RRP prices are visible to all using the product attributes system and called through to category pages.


The cart and add to cart functions are only visible to registered/activated customers using a fix here:


I have also managed to pull wholesale (ex VAT) prices into the cart module so that the client can see a running total of ex Vat and Inc Vat prices as they shop.