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Virtuemart shows wrong product dimensions

Started by passie13, August 19, 2015, 11:02:40 AM

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Hello People!

when i add a product to my shop everything is allright, but when i save it the product dimensions are wrong!
When i say that the length and width is 60 x 50 CM and i save it, vm shows then 60.0000 CM  And 50.0000 CM.

I cant find where the 0000 comes from :/  I have search for it with Dreamweaver but i cant find it.

See screenshots from it. What do i? of whats going wrong.  Who can help me figure this out !

i use Joomla 3.4.0 And Virtuemart / Even when i update joomla and virtuemart the problem stay there

greetz pascal


Voor de gene die er interesse in heeft, na lang nadenken en zoeken heb ik het probleem gevonden! In de database stond bij virtuemart_product  de variabel op (10,4)  waardoor deze dus van 1 Cm 10.0000 cm maakt.  Plaats deze op 0 en alles is opgelost.