Lost my shop...problem with release RC3_Pre_h

Started by charles99, December 10, 2011, 04:41:11 AM

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I just installed the current RC3_Pre_h and when I click on a categrory link my whole shop goes down, and I get a white page with links pushed to the top  left corner of the screen.  I am attaching a photo of my problem....  Whatever is going wrong its knocking out my mainmenu, and other modules.  Complete white page....

[attachment cleanup by admin]

Joseph Kwan

You have to reinstall the aio component to make sure the modules and plugins are updated as well. This problem has been reported in some other threads. You can get more detail there.
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I am facing the same problem and unfortunately reinstalling AIO and all modules and plugins didn't fix the problem.
Milbo suggests that it is due to changing to vmPagination in RC3, but don't know how this has to be fixed in the template.
My site's address is http://kencebolt.nethorizon.eu/index.php/kencebolt/aqualia-termekek

Any advice is welcome...

Joseph Kwan

Apparently, there is a php error on the page. Try, if you can turn on display_error and set error_reporting to show the errors. You may get help from the server host if needed. Google the internet will definitely provide you help to do that.

Or, if you have customized the template, you may want to resort to the default if it can resolve the problem.
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disable the template overrides to check and see if its there.

Just rename the folder to   /html/backcom_virtuemart


Even when i re-installed the modules and plugins the problem forced me to re-install my whole site!  Not just Virtuemart but everything.  And yes I switch over to the default template in Joomla just to get the same result.  So I have gone back to RC2M and planning to wait this out.   Until you guys can get the final product ready for prime-time!