VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Templating & Layouts => Topic started by: alinamn on August 31, 2020, 20:24:48 PM

Title: Logo, image and button issue
Post by: alinamn on August 31, 2020, 20:24:48 PM
Thank you!

Here's my url (The paypal part is not yet set up.)
joomla 3.9.8
VM 3.8.4
php 7.3

1. too much space after logo on top
2. Do I need larger photos for the product page? Two images for each product (thumbnail and large) or it does it automatically.
3. Could I change button colors or shape?

Many thanks.
Title: Re: Logo, image and button issue
Post by: Jörgen on August 31, 2020, 20:45:29 PM
0. This should really be a new thread.

1. Template issue, look into how You would like it to display and how You present the Logo. This is different for almost every template.
2. Yes You need larger images 800x800 or 1000x1000px is very common. Look at some commercial pages You like and see how they do it. If I remember correctly You get thumnails created automatically.
3. Yes Of Course You can, replace the image if that is used or look inte the code for the template, You will see what css class is used for creating buttons for the products.php template file.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Title: Re: Logo, image and button issue
Post by: alinamn on August 31, 2020, 20:56:04 PM
Thanks Jörgen. I'll disect the template  :D