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Product Options Custom Field Dropbox Plugin (Updated)

Started by PRO, March 16, 2012, 11:52:11 AM

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no i didn't.. you can see on the image i attached that i only put in the dropbox selection option is ( please select,6watts.8watts|+7 ) but its the vm plugin or the vm itself that is posting the <strong>,,,

heres a link to the site, so you can see.. , i'll i did is set the drobox options and the <strong> just showed up on the website output..

any ideas?


what happens when you disable template overrides?


Nothing, its still the same... i set the Category Layout and Product Layout to "no override" and its still the same output if set to "default". also tried setting the Select the default template for your Shop to "use joomla default" and also set it to my template, but still same out put,, i still have the <strong> showing up..


This has all of a sudden stopped working! On the products page when I select an option the price changes to reflect the option so it's working there. Click add to cart and in the cart it displays the selected option but doesn't show the price variant or amended price, just the original price. This has been working fine for some time but has all of a sudden stopped working. I have tried stripping out scripts but that has made no difference. Would be very grateful for some help.

You can see it not working here




Hi Pro,

modal popup says what it should say:

Continue ShoppingShow Cart
The product was added to your cart.
Restwell Napoli Massage Recliner Chair was added to your cart.

Cart still shows the addon but no price increase.




We upgraded to 2.0.18a about 5 or 6 weeks ago. It has worked since then but seems to have stopped working in the last couple of weeks, not entirely sure when.


Ok I think I might be going mad because I'm positive I tested this earlier but it does appear to be working on most products so just testing to try and spot a pattern.


Hi PRO Global Moderator, Super Hero I hope you haven't ignored me.. About the <strong> tag showing on my drobox options, i already tried disabling template overrides, and strong is still there, also tried default Joomla template and same thing,, i still have the <strong> showing on my dropdown options..

I hope you can help me out with this,,,  could it be the Custom Field Dropbox Plugin that has the issue?? like what can i do or modify on the plugin to remove the <strong>? i don't even need to have it displayed bold, i jst want it to be displayed correctly with or without having it on bold..

Thanks in advance


have you looked in the actual product itself?

is it in the parameter?


its not on the product is self, since this is how i set the option with the additional $ amount if 2nd option is chosen..please see attch file

and the <strong> just showed up..

any idea? i can give u an access to the site if u want to look further..

[attachment cleanup by admin]


There is NO STRONG  at all in the front end display code.

   function plgVmOnDisplayProductVariantFE($field,&$idx,&$group) {
      // default return if it's not this plugin
       if ($field->custom_element != $this->_name) return '';
      $options = explode(',', $field->custom_drop);
      $selects= array();
      if(!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'helpers'.DS.'currencydisplay.php');
      $currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();
      foreach ($options as $valuesWithPrice) {
         $valueWithPrice = explode('|', $valuesWithPrice);

         if ( isset ($valueWithPrice[1]) ) {
            $op = $valueWithPrice[1][0];
            $price = substr($valueWithPrice[1], 1) ;
            $text = $valueWithPrice[0].' ('.$op.$currency->priceDisplay((float)$price).')';
         } else {
            $text = $valueWithPrice[0] ;
         $selects[] = array('value' =>$valueWithPrice[0], 'text' => $text );
//       vmdebug('plgVmOnDisplayProductVariantFE',$field,$idx,$group);
      $html = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $selects,'customPlugin['.$field->virtuemart_customfield_id.']['.$this->_name.'][custom_drop]','','value','text',$selects[0],false,true);
      $group->display .= $html;
      return true;


hmmmm..  can you point me the dir where u got this codes? or can u suggest where i can start looking for this strong that is showing up on my dropbox option?

could it be on the language .ini files? i already downloaded the whole com_virtuemart folder, admin/comp/com_virtuemart folder also downloaded the vmcustom folder inside the plugin folder, but i still can't find this strong tag that is showing up.. i hope u can suggest where is the best place to look for this..



have you tested with a regular joomla template?