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Slide Mini Cart module VM2 - Free Download!

Started by Linelab, March 11, 2012, 22:49:55 PM

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Your Joomla template is responsive. Open ....templates/js_wright/wright/css/joomla25.css


#product_list {
    right: 5%;


hmm... Thanks but it's seems to be overridden by this

#vmCartModule .show_products{

from the cart module. But I can of course change that..


I ddn't understand I have to search trough pages to find the module. Little bit weird ;)

You should call the module Linelab Virtuemart Cart, as it is confusing with normal virtuemart cart
Try out our new joomla background rotator ( for joomla 1.x or 2.x), for only 14,99 eur @


I have tested

I need to use cache to improve website speed, as it's quite up in weight, I use both in configuration and with system - cache plugin enabled, by force.

When I use cache the problem is that also the Cart is cached, so f.e. I add a Product to cart, but the module shows always Empty Cart in latest visited pages, and that's quite bad as gets customer confusing.

Could you add an option maybe to update trough ajax on each product page loading?

Try out our new joomla background rotator ( for joomla 1.x or 2.x), for only 14,99 eur @


Hi, Please don't use the default VM2 Mini Cart module with the slide cart module.


I don't use this, I have deleted all module as imaged they could conflict
Try out our new joomla background rotator ( for joomla 1.x or 2.x), for only 14,99 eur @


Thanks for the module!

I have a problem with the rounding of prices in the basket.
For example, I logged in as a shopper with 3% discount.
I go into the product, click the "add to cart" and get these problems:
1. The first time you add an item, the price is rounded, but after the decimal point is two zeros. Where did they come from?
2. Updating the same page and watch the prices changed in the basket. In the price appeared after the decimal point numbers (the price is not rounded)

Rounding prices should be taken from the VM settings. How do I fix mod_vm2cart/default.php for this?

ps: sorry fom my english.
Joomla! 2.5.27
VirtueMart 2.6.10


Joomla! 2.5.27
VirtueMart 2.6.10


Quote from: peetee on October 13, 2013, 22:51:12 PM
Hello VirtueArtcz, can I ask something ? (mam problem a jsem z nej uz nestastny). I am trying to make multilangual site .... I have downloaded vm2 cart ... when I add a product to the basket .... and I want to check out ... (obsah kosiku) ... I have for English language the right url like (href="/en/eshop-led-osvetleni/led-lighs/led-ceiling-lights/cart.html) but for the czech language (and another) I have url like href="/cs/component/virtuemart/cart.html?Itemid=0". Could You help me please ? I know joomla and virtuemart a bit but this is too much for me. I have another thing to ask if it is possible ... if I upgrade to vn 2.0.24 - vm2 cart loose the backgroug (doesn no load the url("/modules/mod_vm2cart/botct.png) - have ou heard about this ?
Diky predem. Thank You in advance.
Hello VirtueArtcz,
I did not have time to reply the last time I have ask about my problem .... Could You please help me to solve or identify the problem above, please ? I cant programm I am just a user.  The link is: Thank You in advance for your help. (Sorry for the Czech last time). Peetee


Rounding prices: solved for my case.
In file vm2_cart.php
Inside function prepareAjaxData() (line approximately 55)

$round = VmConfig::get('salesPrice'.'Rounding',2);

(line approximately 89)

$data->products[$i]['prices'] = $currency->priceDisplay($this->_cart->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey]['subtotal_with_tax']);

change to:

$data->products[$i]['prices'] = $currency->priceDisplay($this->_cart->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey]['subtotal_with_tax'],0,1,false,$round);

(line approximately 110)

$data->billTotal = count($data->products)?$currency->priceDisplay($this->_cart->pricesUnformatted['billTotal']):JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_EMPTY_CART');

change to:

$data->billTotal = count($data->products)?$currency->priceDisplay($this->_cart->pricesUnformatted['billTotal'],0,1,false,$round):JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_EMPTY_CART');

Adjust the rounding of prices is now possible to: administrator - Virtuemart - Configuration - Pricing - Rounding Digits
Joomla! 2.5.27
VirtueMart 2.6.10


hello VirtueArtcz,
I use your module Slide Mini Cart module VM2 on my website http://XN----7SBALCMGFJ8ABR4R.XN--P1AI
now I have problem with cart
if you add product to cart, you can see change total sum, but onmouseover cart not show

Is it javascript conflict? or bug?


Sorry I look all over 7 download pages and can't find where is the module.
Is this a free module ?

Where I must look ?

Thank you.


Thank you,
I was so "blind" ... but I have an excuse, I was super tired.

I hope I'm number 25590 download  ;)

Thanks it again,
Keep up the good work



I have another problem. I just setup multilanguage, everything is ok, but when I click show cart in Romanian it gives me 404 error.
Disabled SEF in Joomla working, created one menu to wich assigned Cart working.

What should I do ? I need SEF to be on.

Can you give a direction ?

Thank you.