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Virtuemart utf8 slugs

Started by franzpeter, March 07, 2012, 16:23:17 PM

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Is VM 2.0.x not able to use utf8 slugs? My router does use utf8 slugs. I have seen that while migration for example the categories, VM converts for example German umlauts (ÄÖÜ a.s.o.) into ae, oe, ue while creating slugs. The problem if I would migrate from VM 1.1.9 to VM 2.0.x with my life shop, the indexed categories in Search Engines would not work anymore. Is there a way to prevent that conversion and leave the letters as they are for now. Google for example has no problems with utf 8 slugs. Or is it necessary to redirect all those categories and products with umlauts by a 301 redirect?


when I faced a problem with slug and aliases I used this..
Go to Site -> Global Configuration -> Site -> SEO Settings and choose "YES" at the option called "Unicode Alliases"
and everything was OK.. I dont know if this works for you..
Sofoklis Pantikidis
The Host Dogs
Internet Services
Thessaloniki, Greece