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Problem with Default Number of Products per Row

Started by MissyW, February 21, 2012, 09:08:17 AM

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Just installed a Joomla 1.7 website using VM 2.0.  I cannot find any help on the following fields in Product Categories admin:- 
Category Form Limit List Start
Category Form Limit List Step
Category Form Limit List Max
Category Form Limit Initial Display Records

What do they mean?

I am trying to display 2 products per row in category view.  The default "0" is displaying 3 products per row.  When I change "Default Number of Products per Row" to 2, then the first row displays 2 product, the second row displays only 1 product (even though there are more products in the list), and same again on the second page of products.  Have tried using guesswork with every combination of numbers in the above fields that I can think of, but nothing works.


In VM 2.0.2 it is possible to change individually for each category products_per_row
Or use MyphpAdmin base _virtuemart_categories
It is checked up


P. S. Example
in phpMyAdmin
UPDATE `xxxxx_virtuemart_categories`  SET `products_per_row`=1