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Problems with database jos_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb

Started by patrik60, February 20, 2012, 17:22:21 PM

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The db table jos_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb (and de_de) get problems with the line "vendor_store_desc". It was set to varchar(10500) in VM 2.0.0. Since a few time ( I don't know when it started) it has changed to varchar(1800). Since I do not have enough space for my store description I changed it to varchar(2800).

Everytime when I save changes in the VM configuration it goes back to varchar(1800) and a part of my descriptions will be cut. Since varchar in "vendor_terms_of_service" has changed from 10500 to 18100 I think that the same changes should have been done also in "vendor_store_desc". I tried also this but then I get the following message:

#1118 - Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs . Thats why I changed it only to 2800

Regards Patrik

Joomla 2.5.1 VM rev 5495


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That's not the solution. It will be changed again in varchar after saving the configuration. Please check line 226 in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/tableupdater.php:

$fields['vendor_store_desc'] = 'varchar('.VmConfig::get('dbvdescsize',1800).') '.$linedefault;


Then go in your config file. virtuemart.cfg
add there the an entry for dbvdescsize and change it to what you want. You can also just set dblayoutstrict to false. Then you get everywhere text. Then you do not have the problem anylonger, but your shop may be a bit slower.

In your case, I advise to make a link "read here more ..." something like that and let point that to a joomla article.
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Im having a similar problem, but with product_desc. I have one particular lengthy description, and the max size for the description field is 18400. But my description is about 30000 chars. And every time i save the product description, the text is cut  :(
I dont understand exactly what i have to do to change the length. And witch files to modify.
Can you explain a little better?
Thank you!