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php error after adding a product with cart variant to cart

Started by Ducksoul, December 31, 2011, 15:29:26 PM

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Hi there,

I've got an error when I try to add a product with a cart variant (material) into cart. If I don't change the material there is no problem, but when I change the material of the product and then add it to the cart the following errors get displayed:

Warning: Missing argument 4 for plgVmCustomTextinput::plgVmOnViewCart() in /www/htdocs/w008c2cd/liquidextasy/plugins/vmcustom/textinput/textinput.php on line 120

Warning: Missing argument 4 for plgVmCustomStockable::plgVmOnViewCart() in /www/htdocs/w008c2cd/liquidextasy/plugins/vmcustom/stockable/stockable.php on line 345

I wanted to set the shop online today, but I think that's not going to happen :(

If you want to try out the error:


The stockable variant is old and does not fit to the core, expect an update in the first week of the new year.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Thank's for the fast reply. How do I know when an update is available? Do I have to check svn or do you plan to release an offical update?


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Is there an current date on which users can expect an update that solves the problem?



using joomla 2.5 and the latest VM 2.02

I am getting :-

Warning: Parameter 3 to plgVmCustomTextinput::plgVmOnViewCart() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/gifts2me/public_html/dev/libraries/joomla/event/event.php on line 71

I have a custom text input for the text of a gift card.



Please try this file, then we put it in the core.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Thanks mate, unfortunately, same problem.

I replaced plugins/vmcustom/textinput/textinput.php with the contents of that file.

I then went to the product

and added the text and added to cart - the following error shows both in the cart module and the checkout page.

I don't get the stockable plugin error - I am not using that one.

Warning: Parameter 3 to plgVmCustomTextinput::plgVmOnViewCartModule() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/gifts2me/public_html/dev/libraries/joomla/event/event.php on line 72

Warning: Parameter 3 to plgVmCustomStockable::plgVmOnViewCartModule() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/gifts2me/public_html/dev/libraries/joomla/event/event.php on line 72


Hi tratcliffe,

what's version of your VM?
can you post your administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/customfields.php

Thx, Ondra


Hi, sorry to break in, but I also have problems with the textinput. I replaced textinput.php with your file, switched on debug modus and even before showing the productdetails it comes up with the following errors:

  • Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in C:\wamp\www\Joomla\plugins\vmcustom\textinput\textinput.php on line 150
  • Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in C:\wamp\www\Joomla\plugins\vmcustom\textinput\textinput.php on line 159
That's in this part:
   function plgVmDisplayInOrderBE($item, $row, &$html) {
      if (empty($item->productCustom->custom_element) or $item->productCustom->custom_element != $this->_name) return '';
      $this->plgVmOnViewCart($item,$row,&$html); //same render as cart

    * shopper order display FE
   function plgVmDisplayInOrderFE($item, $row, &$html) {
      if (empty($item->productCustom->custom_element) or $item->productCustom->custom_element != $this->_name) return '';
      $this->plgVmOnViewCart($item,$row,&$html); //same render as cart   

It's about the 2 red colored lines. Maybe this'll help. By the way: running Joomla 2.5.1 and VM 2.0.2.


Thanks Ondra - I had 2.02 stable but the custom fields model was from the previous version - I definitely got in a muddle with my version control.

The custom text field is now working with Milbo's updated textinput.php and with vm 2.02 with joomla 2.5

cheers and thanks again,


btw Milbo, I have just finished coding and testing a payment plugin for Eway, if anyone can use it. Let me know and I will tidy it up and upload it.


If you place an order on your site and check the order in the admin section of virtuemart, do you see the text that you've typed as Gift card text?


Quote from: vigier on March 01, 2012, 23:36:26 PM
If you place an order on your site and check the order in the admin section of virtuemart, do you see the text that you've typed as Gift card text?
Check also this post with patch...



Quote from: tratcliffe on March 01, 2012, 22:53:51 PM

btw Milbo, I have just finished coding and testing a payment plugin for Eway, if anyone can use it. Let me know and I will tidy it up and upload it.

Hi there, I'd be very happy to load and test the eWay plugin. Can you provide a link to download it please?

