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Virtuemart 2 Price

Started by carlosserip, December 17, 2011, 15:31:04 PM

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In Virtuemar 2, it´s possible to have the price of a product and the price with discount. the first price scratched with two lines??


Carlos Pires


Currently it crosses it out with a single line which is a standard text decoration, you will need to be a bit creative with your CSS in order to do a double line as that's not a standard option in CSS Styling, i would personally play with background images to do it, you may need to go into the code and mess with the div structure to get your image above teh text as im pretty sure z-index wont work in this case.
I don't believe, therefore it does not exist

Joomla 2.5 VM 2.0.2



you say that crosses with one line?? in virtuemart 2 ?

how you do that??? can you tell me please??


Carlos Pires


Quote from: carlosserip on December 20, 2011, 00:06:19 AM

you say that crosses with one line?? in virtuemart 2 ?

how you do that??? can you tell me please??


Carlos Pires

Does it automatically as far as i remember, never use such things and I disable all but the final price so its been a while since i have seen it, as far as i remember just putting in the discount price triggers it. Crossed out the old price, changed the discounted price to red.
I don't believe, therefore it does not exist

Joomla 2.5 VM 2.0.2


In VM2 you cant show discounted price like in VM1. This is one of the major flaws. You cant even show % of discount, only price with discount and discont value itself.
Discount are one of most important tweaks for succesful shop and VM2 is very limited on that.


Vote this poll for an editable / update price in Final Price.. (for me the Final Price must be the default one)
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25