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How does Category override work?

Started by whoami, December 11, 2011, 22:08:15 PM

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I've created a category override in my template HTML dir with a different name then default.php. It's called lesson.php


In the config of Virtuemart I've selected in the template area "no override" for the product template. In the Category I've selected "lesson.php" as override. Doesn't work. When I select default.php as override it works for the change default.php. Everything else with a different name then default.php do not work.

What I'm doing wrong?

You are doing a template overwrite, so why not make it easy by changing the lessons.php to default.php ?

Author of Jtouch - Mobile solution for Joomla & VirtueMart


I need two different layouts for different productcategories.

BTW, why have an option choosing your layout when this option doesn't work?

It works with my RC2 J (K now :( )
Here is what I have done:
- From components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl
creata a copy of default.php -> extra.php
modify extra.php to what I want to

- From backend -> Products menu ->Product Categories
edit the category I want to apply this extra template
set "extra" for "Category Browse Page" -> save it (see my screenshot)

- Browse the category on frontend, attached file is what I'm seeing

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Author of Jtouch - Mobile solution for Joomla & VirtueMart


@MobileMeWs: Thanks I've tried the category override and it did work BUT try the same with a productdetail override (that is what I initialty ment, my wrong). The productdetail override doesn't work.



I was having the same problem, then i realized i had an Uppercase letter in the name of the view, i changed to lower case and now i can override without any problem.

It was silly of me but this was my problem, hope it is useful.