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Problems adding product... Fixed by update to VM2 final

Started by tthdoc, December 07, 2011, 20:11:34 PM

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I added a basic product and went back to update it.  First, under product images there is a button to browse, but none to upload it, so I can't add a product image.  I added a price in the cost price box and hit save.  The screen went white and at the top the url showed .../administrator/index.php.  Refresh only gave the resend warning box, but resend only brought the same screen back.  If I delete the index.php and hit enter, I am back at the joomla control panel.  But none of the changes I made were saved.  When I go to menu and select add new menu type and select VirtueMart Product Details Layout, the box on the right has no product listed to add.  Help please.



when you save the product the image uploads

as for the other ones which version are you using?


It did not save the image, either.  Nothing saves.  I downloaded and installed



go into shoppers, and see if you are a vendor/admin


I went to Orders & Shoppers/Shoppers.  Admin is listed as only user.  I checked the box, then clicked the green icon that says Is A Vendor.  It said at the top Shopper state successfully updated.  Now what?  I went back into product, tried to update the price, click save and just goes to white screen.  Does not update.


does it say?  admin / (Super Users)

are you super user in joomla?


OK, in Joomla -->  under Users|User Manager under users - 1 user listed:

Name: Super User
User Name: admin
User Groups: Super Users
Both enabled and activated

in VirtueMart  --> under Orders & Shoppers|Shoppers under users - 1 user listed:

Username: admin
Displayed Name: Super User
Group: admin/(deprecated)
Shopper Group: -default-

Does that help?



Just another update.  First, I see under bug reports someone else having the exact issue as me, so you may want to look at is as well, it is at     VirtueMart Forum »
    VirtueMart 2 »
    Virtuemart 2 Development and bug reports »
    Blank page after new product save

Second, I decided to try something and used the tools to reset all tables and install sample data.  It did that, but again, went to a product and tried to change the price, same problem, blank screen.  After reading the bug report, and went to sample data and changed the name.  Same blank screen, but when I went back into it, the name was changed.  But it does not save if you change the price.   


wow, crazy. hmmmm I dont have any clue atm. Php version? mysql, do you use mysql? or mysqli?
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


PHP Version 5.2.17
MySql Version 5.1.60

Should I just try the option under tools -

Reset all tables
and do a fresh install

and then start again from scratch?


At least you should download the latest version and install it over your installation
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Ok, downloaded and installed latest version.  All those issues I talked about seem to work fine now.  However, still have one issue can't seem to figure out.  I put 1 category in and one product.  When I go to menu, select new menu item, and then select VirtueMart Product Details Layout, the configuration on the right side says select a product, but it is a blank box, so nothing in the dropdown to select.  Both the product category and the product both show published.  Am I missing a setting somewhere?



I have not heard back on this issue, so I started a new topic relating to it.  I put this project aside for a while but now need to get it done, so I need to get this issue resolved.  Hopefully between this reply and the new topic, I can get an answer...


Studio 42

I have tested myself to add a product details link in joomla with success.
See if you have setup correctly your shop, vendor and you are connected with the joomla account corresponding  to your vendor account, perhaps this help ?


This doesn't help as I am not sure what I am looking for.  I will take this 1 step at a time.  First, this is not a business, per se, but 1 product being sold from a home, so there is no manufacturing information, etc.  That being said, here is what I have.

Under shop there are 3 tabs.  Under Vendor, I have filled in shop name, shop company name, and currency.  I have nothing under URL (and not sure what should be there if I do need something there).  Under additional info, permissions says admin, with long shopper/id number and shopper group is default.   All of the starred fields under Additional Informations is filled in.  Under General User Information, displayed name Super User, username admin, and my email address.  Group says select an option, but everytime I select Super user and save, it again shows select an option.

As to the 2nd part of your answer, you wrote
Quoteconnected with the joomla account corresponding  to your vendor account
.  I don't understand what you mean nor how to check this.  Could you elaborate on this?
