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New pre subrelase N, ... final RC3

Started by Milbo, December 01, 2011, 14:12:30 PM

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I installed the VM2rc3 versionb 2 files in joomla173 but after the vm2rc3preb install i get this error (or what) several times.

in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/../administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmtable.php on line 434
but the install was successfully.
Then i intsalled the aio plugin without any error. The backend works (not tested so much) but the frontend has some problem (vm categories not shown). (vm2_rc3_pre_b with j1.73)
but it should be look like this: (1.98M version with j1.73)
but it should be look like this:

What happend with the template? Maybe some vm settings changed in backend?



Please try the new version

the second error seems to be the standard that the product out of stock are not shown. the cache of the config is now connected to the joomla cache, so just deactivate the joomla cache for configuration and it should work.
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RC3 c - I found that:
-paypal payment plugin does not have the email field.
-the consequence on my cart is that after i checkout i see only the "Order Confirmed" and not the paypal site

Related to this argument:
if a client click on checkout he recives the order email with "thank you for your purchase" even if he dont pay. So if a client didnt pay ( es. not enogh credit on card ) how can he pay later? The quick solution is to remake the order... but i think it would be more professional if the client:
- recives a second email after his payment is done or
- a quick solution, he recive in the order email a link that says something: "If u didn't it with this link"

Another bug from previus relese is:
when the client wants to purchase without register if he clicks accidently on one of the required fields(es. user, pass ) he must refresh the page for flush the javascript input control. The solution is to disable the js input contorol on the first 4 fields if the client press "Purchase as guest"



I am not sure i do understand what you mean
Quote-paypal payment plugin does not have the email field.
-the consequence on my cart is that after i checkout i see only the "Order Confirmed" and not the paypal site
If you do no set a merchant email, you do not go the paypal web site. It is the way it should be done.

Quotef a client click on checkout he recives the order email with "thank you for your purchase" even if he dont pay.
If a client does not pay, he does not receive an email, and the card is not emptied.

QuoteSo if a client didnt pay ( es. not enogh credit on card ) how can he pay later?
The cart is not emptied, so he can even change his payment method, and pay.


Quote from: alexsai on December 02, 2011, 17:57:56 PM
RC3 c - I found that:
-paypal payment plugin does not have the email field.

in the payment method click the "configuration" tab.


In my case paypal configuration is not saving the information to the DTB, Milbo is working on it
I don't believe, therefore it does not exist

Joomla 2.5 VM 2.0.2


Some more hickups using J1.7.3/VM2 revision 4911:

After applying the b version, I ended up with empty _virtuemart_vendors_de_de and _virtuemart_vendors_en_gb tables (Shop is set to multilingual).
The information in the _virtuemart_vendors table appears to be somewhat truncated. Looking at the database table, the vendor name is filled with my street address, store name field is empty.
Problem now seems to be that I can't store my vendor information from VM admin in the new en-GB and de-DE tables. Vendor Shop Name and Vendor Additional Informations aren't stored. Shop Company Name does get stored.

After clicking 'Install tables or if necessary update them', VMDebug still tells me this:
vmError: TableCustoms The given Title is empty. This field is obligatory, please enter your data and store again.
Does that mean it I have a missing title in the _virtuemart_customs table?

@Milbo - After re-entering the somehow corrupted Vendor Information manually into the database tables again, I finally got my calculation rules back.  :D

Update 2:
Bad luck again - the calculation rules are ommitted in the frontend views. Only currency exchange rate is applied to the cost price. In the backend the calculation rules seem to work ok.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


...rly... when i say "-paypal payment plugin does not have the email field" I mean I DON'T SEE the EMAIL FIELD after upgrade. See the attackment.  :o
Unfortunatly from my tests i recive "order confirm" after the client click checkout, if he pay on paypal or not it does not change anything. If u say so then I think  this is only my problem. ( btw I created an account for you, if u want to see it with your eyes u can do it  ??? )

If a client didnt pay ( no credit on card),probably he cant finish the order in that moment. So he will recharge his card and pay later... Like on ebay, u dont have to pay in that moment. Anyway this part isnt so important, dont mind about it.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


alexsai, you did not choosed the paypal plugin. This is the standard plugin.

Found the vendor store error, was a kind of typo.

But I do not understand the thing with the calculation rules and that the storing for CranialBlaze.

quickfix for the vendor information, just delete the column vendor_store_name in the table _vendors.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
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Quote from: Milbo on December 03, 2011, 13:35:26 PM
But I do not understand the thing with the calculation rules...

I think I will set up a fresh system, import my database and see if it makes a difference later today.  ;)
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hi alexsai,

Problem: -paypal payment plugin does not have the email field.

I had the same problem.  Problem is the paypal plugin is not upgraded.
When I uninstall allinone, its not removing paypal.  So I explicitely checked paypal for uninstall.

It works fine with a fresh install,  try that way


Regarding price calculation rules not being applied to the frontend view:

I guess that part of the problem that my calculation rules are ommitted in the frontend views are a few "dbTax/dbTaxRules" instead of "DBTax/DBTaxrules" in the files
...just a guess...:-)
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I set up correctly the paypal plugin.
When I try to save the configuration tab it does not change anything. ( see the attackment )
It does not save the configuration, the column payment_params in virtuemart_paymentmethods table remain unchanged.

If I modify this in DB setting up the correct params:
The problem remain when i try to pay, im redirected to the order confirmed page without passing through paypal.
Any idea?


Thanks the help Milbo!
I deactivate the joomla cache and uninstall the plugins and after that i put the the new vm2rc3d and aio. I checked the vmplugins versions and still v1.9.8. So i dont know what to do whit this plugin mistery.
The "product out of stock" are checked in and in frontend i get another error which i think is template specific.

for example here:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getResultsCounter() on a non-object in /public_html/pilis/templates/hot_cosmetics/html/com_virtuemart/category/default.php on line 144

this row in the php file is this:
<div class="width30 floatright display-number"><?php echo $this->pagination->getResultsCounter();?><br/><?php echo $this->pagination->getLimitBox() ?></div>



Quote from: manch on December 03, 2011, 22:20:19 PM
Fatal error: Call to a member function getResultsCounter() on a non-object in /public_html/pilis/templates/hot_cosmetics/html/com_virtuemart/category/default.php on line 144

this row in the php file is this:
<div class="width30 floatright display-number"><?php echo $this->pagination->getResultsCounter();?><br/><?php echo $this->pagination->getLimitBox() ?></div>


All you had to do is look in the original view files to see if it changed.
Change it to this
<?php echo $this->vmPagination->getResultsCounter();?>