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ReCaptcha/AntiSpam for VM?

Started by Hammerhead, October 24, 2011, 15:41:05 PM

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Quote from: iamalive on December 30, 2011, 10:48:37 AM
Where are we on this?
I am getting spam via the new version of VM, but via the "ask a question" form. The previous comment regarding easycalplus does NOT support virtuemart in this version. I have used it effectively for a variety of sites, but the focus is on registration rather than comments and ask a question contact forms.
It would be very useful to have such a plugin to cover all of the forms used in VM.

Same situation here. easycalccheckplus does not protect the "Ask a question" form, therefore we also get spams.
Unfortunately the "questions" (tha smap mails) go to the same address we use for the orders, so many orders eneded up in the spam folder :(
Do not make the same mistake.
And pls. post if you find any solution for the situation.
(Joomla! 1.7, VM 2.0, "Ask a question" spam)


I found one solution 'key capcha' which has been working for me - you have to assemble a puzzle, which isn`t my favourite choice - but it does work on joomla 2.5 vm 2.0 ask a question.


Quote from: dsrpmedia on March 06, 2012, 18:13:22 PM
I found one solution 'key capcha' which has been working for me - you have to assemble a puzzle, which isn`t my favourite choice - but it does work on joomla 2.5 vm 2.0 ask a question.

Thanx. Tried, and worx fine.
A bit lame :), but far better than sinking in spams.


my thoughts as well - I spent quite a bit of time looking & this is the only one I`ve found that actually works


I have figured out how to add VM 2 support to easycalccheckplus, at least for the ask a question form.  Not sure if it would work for comments, etc.  Now keep in mind I have only tested this with reCaptcha, using Joomla 2.5.3, EasyCalcCheck Plus 2.5-1 and VM 2.0.3E.

It requires 2 edits in plugins/system/easycalccheckplus/easycalccheckplus.php

1) in
private function loadEcc($option, $task, $view, $func, $layout)

around line 2801, after

                // ALFContact - tested with version 2.0.1
                case 'com_alfcontact':

                    $this->_extension_info = array('com_alfcontact', '<form[^>]+id="contact-form".+</form>', '<label for=".+>', '<button class="button">');

                    if($this->params->get('alfcontact') AND $view == 'alfcontact' AND empty($task))
                        $this->_load_ecc = true;

                    elseif($this->params->get('alfcontact') AND $task == 'sendemail')
                        $this->_load_ecc_check = true;


before the default case add

//Virtuemart 2.0
case 'com_virtuemart':
    $this->_extension_info = array('com_virtuemart', '<form[^>]+id="askform".+</form>', '<input type=.+>', '<input class="highlight-button" type="submit" name="submit_ask".+/>');

    if($task == 'askquestion' AND empty($_REQUEST["submit_ask"]))
        $this->_load_ecc = true;
    elseif($task == 'mailAskquestion' AND !empty($_REQUEST["submit_ask"]))
        $this->_load_ecc_check = true;


2) in
private function callChecks($option, $task)

around line 3182 after

        elseif ($option == 'com_alfcontact' AND $task == 'sendemail')
            if (!$this->performChecks())
                $check_failed = true;


elseif ($option == 'com_virtuemart' AND $task == 'mailAskquestion')
if (!$this->performChecks())
$check_failed = true;


This last code seems to be already implemented in the latest version of easycal but it doesn't work?

We are using RVS reCaptcha instead but this doesn't work either.

They say custom forms need to be added to rvs_recaptcha.php

I already added $form->getName() == ?askform? but nothing appears.

Can anybody help or does anybody have a different method?


Since there is a "Captcha - ReCaptcha" plugin for Joomla!2.5, why VM doesn't just go for it as well? It should not be a difficult function to apply. We really need the anti-spam function for "ask a question..." that in the product details pages.

Anyone could help out? Thanks in advance.
PHP v5.3.1          |  Apache v2.2.41
MySQL v5.1.41   |  XAMPP 1.7.3
phpMyAdmin v3.2.4
Windows 7 SP1 Professional



I completely agree with you. Joomla re captcha works like a charm and it should be used by virtuemart too for relevant issues like the spammer friendly actual ask a question! Why using modules and components, which may mess up with other components if Joomla has an included reliable solution for that purpose. I do not like to blow up my system with a lot of additional modules, components or plugins just to maybe receive the same result as I can have with Joomla on board tools.


Full agree with franzpeter and DH.

I've instaled the ECC+ but didnt work in Virtuemart User Registration (index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user), only works in Ask a question about product...

But why dont have a default spam check (captcha) in VM like Joomla already have?!
Hope someone remember to fix this :/
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


Has anyone managed to find a recaptcha solution for the virtuemart 2 (I'm using 2.0.6) user registration page?


Latest ECC+ version seems to have everything.
However, personally I wouldn't use re-captcha in a shop. In my opinion it doesn't make sense to ask for a "one page checkout" (many shop owners believe they are loosing customers if there is no one page checkout) but at the same time ask for a re-capcha (did you check how re-captcha works on their homepage?). Some time ago I actually gave up to register on a site using re-captcha after 20! unsuccessful attempts to solve it (Next day re-captcha supplied slightly easier ones).
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Mihai Rarinca

I don't know if someone is still looking for this but i found a plugin that works on Joomla 2.5 with Virtuemart 2.0 on both ask a question form and checkout.
EasyCalcCheck PLUS
for me is working on 2 websites with no issues.


I need to protect the user registration on checkout with captcha.
Anyone knows if one of this tools provides this feature?
I haven't got it from the topic...

Thanks in advance.