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[solved] 1.9.8G Update Failure

Started by pinjosi, September 14, 2011, 13:03:11 PM

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when i use the akeeba updater to update my 1.9.8F to 1.9.8G it fails with this error. Maybe its my own fault i dont know but i want to know if more people have this.

Can not read archive (zip)
         Unpack the package failed. Try to manually update the extension.


The Pin


I got a timeout (30 seconds for max execution time is a bit short), but I just pressed F5 and it worked smoothly in j1.7
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The system accepted the update and in the backend everything is working now. Fully updated to 1.9.8G BUT now my front end is messed-up :(

HAHAH i disabled all plugins againg but no effect on that


The Pin


i see i have a jquery error again. But i dont know what this one means or how i can solve this one.

Is there someone who can help me out please? What can i do to solve this jQuery error

Thanks for your effort


the Pin


i see now that the error is made by vm shopping cart module. any solutions ?



I can't get it to update either.

I click the 'Update to the Latest Version' button

And it runs... and then I get this"

QuoteUnknown Archive type
        Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.

How can I update it manually? I tried copying the folders over via FTP but that didn't help.


nm, I got it to upgrade by re-installing it over (as well as the all-in-one).

the products are showing - not the images though. I'm getting errors on those but that's another topic :]


yes i have the same error also. I put my backup back atm and gonna try this evening i hope (very bussy atm) to work it out.

if there is someone who got the same error and solved it. Please let us know


i try'd to update virtuemart again to the G version. Normal update using akeeba failed. Update via extension manager was a succes but now again my site is crap. jQuery errors again. When i shut down / disable the virtuemart shopping cart the store is normal again. When i put it on its crap again.

Can someone help me out please and look at the testshop.

Tnx in advance


The Pin

Studio 42

Quote from: pinjosi on September 15, 2011, 11:57:28 AM
i try'd to update virtuemart again to the G version. Normal update using akeeba failed. Update via extension manager was a succes but now again my site is crap. jQuery errors again. When i shut down / disable the virtuemart shopping cart the store is normal again. When i put it on its crap again.

Can someone help me out please and look at the testshop.

Tnx in advance


The Pin


Plz try to go in config>shop front
and look for
and check all and save your config.



where can i find this. Is it a setting like check boxes in the backend. or do i need to search a script (which one)?

Tnx for the reply


i put manually all files to my root destination maps. When i turn the VM_SHOPPING_CART Module off everything works fine. so i can put in product and choose payment and shipment and complete my order. Very nice.

but when i put my VM_SHOPPING_CART module on this site is in major error. So module off and everything works, only customers can see the cart module. Hope i got a solution soon for this.

Tnx again for the reply and i hope we will solve this soon


The Pin


We need the errors from the console, when you use firebug. There is some js problem with your template.
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Here it comes :)

jQuery is not defined
[Abbort on this Fault] jQuery(function($) {                                             Line 24

jQuery is not defined
__top_level__() (line 24)
[Abbort on this Fault] jQuery(function($) {                                             Line 24

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Tnx for your time again


The Pin

Studio 42

Did you install of VM2 ?
In normal case jQeury is defined in VM2, if not then you have to look for the setting in VM2 Back-End >config>SHop Front