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Please Help with FedEx Module in VirtueMart....Keep getting same error

Started by karmaink, August 04, 2011, 04:25:50 AM

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Hello, I am new to the site and to VirtueMart and would appreciate any help with my problem. I have enable the FedEx Module and input the info from Fed Ex i.e. account number meter number and server address. I found the server address on this site. When I test the shopping cart I keep getting the same error code..

Error: FedEx Return Error E531 : Rate returned error for account number.

So I ran it with debug turned on and this is what  is returned...

Debug: The Shipping Module 'standard_shipping' couldn't
find a Shipping Rate that matches the current Checkout configuration:
Weight: 39
Country: USA
ZIP: 75034

I'm not sure where I have configured wrong but any suggestions would be helpful



QuoteRate returned error for account number.
Seems like an account issue.  But the larger issue is that you're using the old FedExDC module.  FedEx is phasing out support for FedExDC in 2012.  You should use the FedExv2 module, which supports Web Services.  It is located here:
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