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VM 1.9.8c // All In One installer error / J1.7

Started by djliquid, July 21, 2011, 20:13:59 PM

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I just updated from J1.6.5 to J1.7.0

I downloaded the newest VM2 files (v1.9.8c) from

I extracted. Installed the component, apparently successfully.

Then I tried installing the all-in-on "mod_virtuemart_allinone.1.9.8b" and I get this error:

QuoteJInstaller::install: SQL Error DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'db361900873.jos_plugins' doesn't exist SQL=DELETE FROM `jos_plugins` WHERE (`element` = 'authorize' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'authorize' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'cashondel' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'echeck' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'epay' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'epn' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'eway' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'linkpoint' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'montrada' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'nochex' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'payflow_pro' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'paymate' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'paymenow' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'paypal' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'twocheckout' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment') OR (`element` = 'worldpay' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment');

DELETE FROM `#__plugins`
WHERE (`element` = 'authorize' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'authorize' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'cashondel' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'echeck' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'epay' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'epn' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'eway' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'linkpoint' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'montrada' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'nochex' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'payflow_pro' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'paymate' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'paymenow' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'paypal' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'twocheckout' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment')
OR (`element` = 'worldpay' AND `folder` = 'vmpayment');

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


the newest v1.9.8c has already a mod_virtuemart_allinone.1.9.8C installer. You downloaded the package 2 days ago. yeah I admit I worked a bit sloopy and did not used a d.
Please just download (I know you have already downloaded it) and there should be the allinonce installer 1.9.8c. Should work then, sorry for that.
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oh... i see... dang. so what can I do now that I installed the other one that wasn't allinone? 

or did I just eff myself.

Quote from: Milbo on July 21, 2011, 20:18:43 PM
the newest v1.9.8c has already a mod_virtuemart_allinone.1.9.8C installer. You downloaded the package 2 days ago. yeah I admit I worked a bit sloopy and did not used a d.
Please just download (I know you have already downloaded it) and there should be the allinonce installer 1.9.8c. Should work then, sorry for that.


The old one with the error is just not installed. Maybe the files got copied, but not more. So just use the updated installer. Remember all installers must have the version C
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Milbo has been quicker again - however, if some files and folders of the allinone-b were installed, you probably have to delete them manually. Unzip the allinone-c files into a temporary directory, so you can see which folders and files are included. Then locate all of  these folders and files in your Joomla installation and delete them. The directories where you find the allinone stuff are:


Finally look into your Joomla database table "jos_extensions" (or whatever table prefix you have instead of jos_) and delete the vm_all-in-one line (if there is one).
If you install the allinone-c version and the Joomla extension manager complains about a folder that already exists, you forgot to delete that one.
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Now I'm getting this error:
Component Install: Another component is already using directory: /homepages/0/d361887122/htdocs/

SO i delete both this directory and the one in admin... but then I get the giant error (from initial post) again.

with Component Install: DB function reports no errors at the bottom

I guess it's just not writing to the database.

it's obviously doing something though as the extracted mod _virtuemart_allinone.1.9.8b folder is not how it extracted into my directories, obviously (just admin folder, index and install).

can I copy the files manually to the directories JJK lists? and i guess install the SQL manually?

Quote from: Milbo on July 22, 2011, 10:34:47 AM
The old one with the error is just not installed. Maybe the files got copied, but not more. So just use the updated installer. Remember all installers must have the version C


Today I have tried all different combintions of Jooml 1.5.23 akk the way to the latest relese of J1.7 long with VM2 198c. Every turn I go seems to throw some new error. How is this in RC stage???
Jeff MacDougall


The problem is the j1.7, that we have to support two versions and one of this versions is changing api every 6 weeks. That is the reason 3rd party developers complain about j1.6/j1.7
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I AM NOT HAPPY WITH JOOMLA due to this very fact. So, with that said, I would like to use 1.7 and stay there for a while like I did with the 1.5 edition. I never even used 1.6.x due to the fact I always used a particular set of extensions on my client sites. Even hosting companies are like WTF is Joomla doing?? They have to keep making new One-click installs for users (i never use those anyway).

It would be cool to be comfortable installing VM2 in J17 without worrying about all of the errors though. I hate to say it but I am on the fence this weekend and simply need to start a project with another cart solution which I won't mention.

VM, keep up the great work.....VM2 looks to be sweet
Jeff MacDougall


With Joomla 1.7 support due to end in less than 8 months, following the proposed release in January 2012 of 1.8 (which is the next long term supported version), I don't think many will be able to "use 1.7 and stay there for a while"
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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hmmmmm......jenkinhill....I think I am actually making a decision right this very second to just continue J1.5.23/VM1.1.9 and stop trying to feel like I NEED to stay updated. 

Thanks....I needed that

Jeff MacDougall


We tried to explain people, please use j1.7, but people try vm2 on j1.5. So there are two possibilities, to deny j1.7 compatibility or trying to be up to date, which is absolutly not easy.

I would use j1.5 and vm2, maybe nooku server.
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Quote from: Milbo on July 23, 2011, 08:42:56 AM of this versions is changing api every 6 weeks.

...just in case a "third party developer" missed this:  ;)

Personally I doubt that using Nooku Server (currently version 0.7 Alpha 4) would be less trouble. From the user (website owner) point of view it basically is a stripped down Joomla 1.5 (in order to make it faster) with multi site capabilities added to the code, which means you probably can't use Joomla extensions written for J1.6.x or later. I never tried Nooku Server, because I think we will not see the stable version this year and I would cut myself off from future extensions like i.e. Joomfish! 3.0, etc.
...and from the developer's point of view - afaik they don't have an API Dokumentation yet

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Well, I have installed J1.5.23 with VM 1.9.8c and it seems ok. The only quirk I am having is images. For some reason the images I upload for the categories are not showing on the front end. Sorry to post this here. Let me know if I should send to another category.

Site in question

Thanks! :D

Jeff MacDougall


I don't know if this problem still was present in VM 1.9.8c. Personally I have the latest SVN version installed. But I do remember from a few weeks ago that the images didn't display when the 'Virtuemart Categories Layout' was assigned to the Joomla menu item. You can try if assigning the 'Virtuemart Default Layout" to the menu item makes a difference.
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