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Innovative Gateway Solutions payment script created

Started by time2shop, September 29, 2007, 01:20:57 AM

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Hi all! Here's a payment script for Innovative Gateway Solutions (IGS). I would also like to thank community member Harold Gerdes for helping pay for the project.

Please see the attachment below for the scripts. Also,  keep in mind I did not develop these (I paid a programmer to create the scripts) and therefore may not be able to answer the most technical questions. Scripts work very well with 1.0.11 and 1.0.12 releases of VirtueMart.

I'm hoping these can be included in the next release of VirtueMart.


[attachment cleanup by admin]



Every time I try to save the new payment module I get  the Direct Access to This Location Is Not Allowed Error.

Any ideas?  Thanks!


I have struggled with this as well and finally figured it out.

It uses call methods that are no longer used in Joomla.

Simply enable Legacy Mode and it works.