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Migrate VM 1.1X to VM 2.X

Started by chrisbti, May 04, 2011, 21:21:17 PM

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Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:



The my vice versa question: If I put the images in the right media directory before migration, does the migrator creates the right links to the images if I migrate the products?


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Is obvious you are working hard on VM 2.0, when things are more stable please make a little tutorial for the migration process, would really help dummies like me ;)


Made a migration successfully bit i have on problem.

Images are not visible.

the media tabel is complete empty....seems that during the process the table has not been filled.

Copied all image folders in the new VM path .

I can see all images in media manager.

But how can i now connect the images to products ? Is there a batch i can run again ?
VirtueMart VirtueMart 4.4.0 11095 | Joomla 5.x | PHP 8.3 | Vp_neoteric 1.6



I`m wondering why there are no prices and no "buy button" is visible in products.

I go to admin and open a product => I have to activate the checkbox "Grundpreis berechnen" and save the product => NOW the price and buy button is available in frotend.

Is there a workaround (phpmyadmin) how i can update all products ?

I can not open 500 products and recalculate them one by one... :-[

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VirtueMart VirtueMart 4.4.0 11095 | Joomla 5.x | PHP 8.3 | Vp_neoteric 1.6