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Creating payment module

Started by malaikax, April 10, 2010, 05:30:33 AM

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hello all,
I want to ask for the variable product name, product price, product quantity and subtotals for use in payment module.

I use a payment gateway opals from Brunei, and they provide the configuration of their value to the payment gateway, one of which is a basket containing 4 values like this.

Palm Vx   600.00   1   600.00
Palm V   400.00   1   400.00

how to set it in VirtueMart, I need help, I've tried in many ways but always failed


      $q  = "SELECT * FROM #__vm_order_item WHERE order_id='$order_id'";
       $dbbt = new ps_DB;
         $i = 1;
         $formvars = array();
      while( $dbbt->next_record()   )
             $name = $dbbt->f("order_item_name");
               $price = number_format($dbbt->f("product_item_price"),2,'.','');
               $quantity = $dbbt->f("product_quantity");
Let every thought and every word be a prayer


Quote from: coderxo on April 18, 2010, 23:34:59 PM
      $q  = "SELECT * FROM #__vm_order_item WHERE order_id='$order_id'";
       $dbbt = new ps_DB;
         $i = 1;
         $formvars = array();
      while( $dbbt->next_record()   )
             $name = $dbbt->f("order_item_name");
               $price = number_format($dbbt->f("product_item_price"),2,'.','');
               $quantity = $dbbt->f("product_quantity");
like he said - and the STOTAL looks like a subtotal maybe? that var is


Maybe you should read his post and see what STOTAL is.

From the above posted code, you have the item price, and quantity.

STOTAL for each item is: $price * $quantity

Let every thought and every word be a prayer