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[DUPLICATE ] Can not add categories or products when using Chrome

Started by skione, July 13, 2009, 15:20:17 PM

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OK so I will wait for the laughter to stop...

Yes there is a problem when I try and add categories and products in chrome. The UI just will not let me do it. I suspect a JavaScript error.

While Chrome does not have the support of FF or IE I suspect that getting it to work in Chrome should just be a small effort. I would really appreciate this bug being fixed. It is very inconvenient.

Please let me know if you would like any testing help or require any more information.

VM 1.1.3
OK I see this is already tracked here:

Any chance of this being fixed soon?


I guess you did not read my post closely.

I made the new topic. Then decided to search. So I went back and edited my post to reflect the new info. Yes I could of searched before I made the post but I didn't. At least I did not compound my mistake.