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Pagination Bug?

Started by razor7, June 24, 2009, 22:15:50 PM

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razor7 file pageNavigation.class.php on line 127 the "previous" link is calculated this way
$page = $this_page * $this->limit;

so far this creates this links
Quotefor page 2, and 10 products per page, the result is 20
for page 3, and 10 products per page, the result is 30
for page 4, and 10 products per page, the result is 40

So if I click the "previous" link the vm url get this values
Quotefor page 2, ...&limit=10&limitstart=20...
for page 3, ...&limit=10&limitstart=30...
for page 4, ...&limit=10&limitstart=40...

But the previous link should be
Quotefor page 2, ...&limit=10&limitstart=0...
for page 3, ...&limit=10&limitstart=10...
for page 4, ...&limit=10&limitstart=20...

I suggest changing the calculation sentence for this one.
$page = ($this_page - 2) * $this->limit;

Best regards!
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