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PayPal double shipping issue?

Started by joerinehart, October 09, 2008, 16:16:52 PM

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We are using VirtueMart 1.0.15 stable on Joomla! 1.0.15 Stable and Paypal.

Everything works fine, but it seems we are experiencing double shipping charges peridocially on orders.

Some info I received from our client include:
Subject: **PayPal IPN Error: Order Total/Currency Check failed
*During a paypal transaction on your site the received amount didn't match the order total.
The amount received was: 93.34 USD.
It should be: 82.52 USD.

The extra Payment Extra Info includes:

$url = "";
$tax_total = $db->f("order_tax") + $db->f("order_shipping_tax");
$discount_total = $db->f("coupon_discount") + $db->f("order_discount");
$post_variables = Array(
"cmd" => "_xclick",
"business" => PAYPAL_EMAIL,
"receiver_email" => PAYPAL_EMAIL,
"item_name" => $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_PO_NUMBER.": ". $db->f("order_id"),
"order_id" => $db->f("order_id"),
"invoice" => $db->f("order_number"),
"amount" => round( $db->f("order_subtotal")+$tax_total-$discount_total, 2)+$db->f("order_shipping"),
"shipping" => sprintf("%.2f", $db->f("order_shipping")),
"currency_code" => $_SESSION['vendor_currency'],"first_name" => $dbbt->f('first_name'),
"last_name" => $dbbt->f('last_name'),
"address_street" => $dbbt->f('address_1'),
"address_zip" => $dbbt->f('zip'),
"address_city" => $dbbt->f('city'),
"address_state" => $dbbt->f('state'),
"address_country" => $dbbt->f('country'),
"image_url" => $vendor_image_url,
"return" => SECUREURL ."index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=checkout.result&order_id=".$db->f("order_id"),
"notify_url" => SECUREURL ."administrator/components/com_virtuemart/notify.php",
"cancel_return" => SECUREURL ."index.php",
"undefined_quantity" => "0",
"test_ipn" => PAYPAL_DEBUG,
"pal" => "NRUBJXESJTY24",
"no_shipping" => "1",
"no_note" => "1"
if( $page == "checkout.thankyou" ) {
$query_string = "?";
foreach( $post_variables as $name => $value ) {
$query_string .= $name. "=" . urlencode($value) ."&";
mosRedirect( $url . $query_string );
} else {

echo '<form action="'.$url.'" method="post" target="_blank">';
echo '<input type="image" name="submit" src="" border="0" alt="Make payments with PayPal, it is fast, free, and secure!" />';

foreach( $post_variables as $name => $value ) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" />';

echo '</form>';


Any clues how to resolve this?



if you:
- use cupons discounts and
- present on the store prices with vat and
- discounts are calculated after vat

then you have a problem with this code, it calculates wrong the amont sent to paypal..

try this change on the configuration tab of paypal module:

- coment this // "amount" => round( $db->f("order_subtotal")+$tax_total-$discount_total, 2),

-replace by: "amount" => round( $db->f("order_total")-sprintf("%.2f", $db->f("order_shipping")), 2),

but if you:

if you:
- use cupons discounts and
- present on the store prices with NO vat and
- discounts are calculated PRIOR to vat
than it should be ok.

joao sarmento