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Simple Shipping Solution

Started by adam aziz, July 16, 2008, 02:22:40 AM

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adam aziz

OK, I have been struggling with this all day but to no avail. All I want to do, is when a user gets to the select shipping method they have a drop down (or some way to choose the options) with the following options:

Eastern Canada (10.99)
Western Canada (12.99)
Central Canada (10.00)
NWT (12.00)
USA (15.99)
International (20.00)

I've just made these up for times sake but you see what I mean. I just want the user to pick they're own shipping rate based off where they are. I don't care about the system identifying through they're address where they are.

The user chooses and the fee is added to they're total. Should be simple but I can't seem to figure it out. I set them up under shipping rates but I understand in draws that data from zip codes. But I'll have zip codes/postal codes from all over so I don't want it to determine via this. I would prefer for the user to choose.

Any thoughts?

Paul Marshall

Hi there,

I know this is an old thread but I thought a response may be useful for those who are searching for this on down the line.

I'm using use V 1.1 on J 1.0.15. but you can set it up on previous versions of VM.

In the product status tab I set up the Attribute 'Selected shipping' with properties to match the shipping 'bands' the vendor wishes to use. e.g
UK (+20)
EU (+25)
US (+30)
Global (+40)

It's very straightforward and is included as part of the overall order cost. It is displayed separately in the checkout beneath the main item cost as 'selected shipping US +30'

If you have many many products and constantly changing prices then this may not work for you but it works a treat for me on my site with a dozen or so products

