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Issue with virtuemart

Started by sobers_2002, July 03, 2008, 09:30:36 AM

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I just installed virtuemart on my joomla install and I must say - excellent work by development team. There are however a few bugs that I found and it would be great if they could be worked upon.

1) If some user puts something in his cart and goes through the checkout process but cancels (closes the browser for example) at the payment process, then the inventory still shows the reduced number of items, while the sale was not actually made.

2) If user registers (I did this for testing out..) and the account is deleted from the control panel of virtuemart, then the registration is not allowed for the user with the same e-mail again.

3) The display of random products is somewhat arbitrary. If I am to display it in one of the existing positions, then it looks fine on the front page. Now, I customized the buttons of add-to-cart (via CSS) and they display fine on the main page but the display gets skewed on the other pages. Also, if I am to create a new position and include the random products into an article (via {loadposition positionname} then the display almost blows out. I can see the product image, the decimal places of the price and no add-to-cart button.

VirtueMart Version:

Joomla/Mambo Version:

Steps to replicate:
as described above - sorry!

Bugtracker task #:
I'll submit it and add it here

System info:
Dreamhost server

I'll try and report other issues as I come across them.
