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BUG: Payment method radio list w. shopper groups

Started by DansKO, May 15, 2008, 19:07:16 PM

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On checkout process, the payment methods list to choose from (the ones with radio buttons) don't reflect the shopper group the shopper is a member of.

VirtueMart Version:
VM 1.1.0

Joomla/Mambo Version:

Steps to replicate:
Create two shooper groups, one is default. Create different payment modules ( i used only nocheck-payments, like COD) for those shopper groups. Now when shopping as a non-default-shopping group member, all the published payment modules are listed on checkout process.

Proposed fix(es):
In ps_payment_method.php replace those two lines 402, 403

$q .= "(shopper_group_id='$default_shopper_group_id' ";
$q .= "OR shopper_group_id='".$auth["shopper_group_id"]."') ";

with this one:
$q .= "shopper_group_id='".$auth["shopper_group_id"]."' ";

Bugtracker task #:

System info:
Windows XP Prof, Apache, PHP < 5, mysql version ?).


Thanks a lot. ;)
I had the same problem with joomla 1.5.11 and virtuemart 1.1.3
