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Order Information shows bad date (12 - 1969) for credit card expiration

Started by FavoriteU, May 11, 2008, 05:01:41 AM

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I have told VirtueMart not to store credit card information (Configuration -> Security -> Store Credit Card Information is UNCHECKED).  When a user views their "Order Information" online through their account or immediately after placing their order, the credit card expiration date is listed as follows:

QuotePayment Method :     Credit Card
Account Name :    
Account Number :    
Expire Date :    12 - 1969

(emphasis above is mine)

Obviously I don't want it listing the credit card number, and I honestly don't care if it listed the expiration date at all, but if it is going to list it, it should list it correctly, *or leave it blank*.  "12 - 1969" is certainly not the correct expiration date.

I assume the variable is set as a date field and when left blank is just spitting out the default date/start date (like a computer whose battery died).  The field should be displayed completely blank or with asterisks, and should be set as such after the credit card transaction has processed but before order details are written to the database for customer retrieval.

My Setup:
VirtueMart: 1.1.0 Stable
Joomla: 1.5.3
Also have sh404SEF installed (using .htaccess)




Fixed virtuemart (12 - 1969) expiration date:
Joomla 1.5.9, VM 1.13

Line 1169:

comment out like so and replace with 2nd line below:

<!--<td><?php echo strftime("%m - %Y", $dbpm->f("order_payment_expire")); ?> </td> -->
<td><?php echo vmFormatDate($dbpm->f("order_payment_expire"), '%b-%Y'); ?></td>


This hack seems to only out this month-year. Not the date on the card. For example, on my checkout for today it said "Expire Date : Jun-2009"


Quote from: chawkins88 on March 19, 2009, 23:20:56 PM
Fixed virtuemart (12 - 1969) expiration date:
Joomla 1.5.9, VM 1.13

Line 1169:

comment out like so and replace with 2nd line below:

<!--<td><?php echo strftime("%m - %Y", $dbpm->f("order_payment_expire")); ?> </td> -->
<td><?php echo vmFormatDate($dbpm->f("order_payment_expire"), '%b-%Y'); ?></td>

Tried this just to see, and it in fact does not fix the problem.  Now the date shown on the order information page is the month and year of the purchase.  This is still not resolved, apparently.  Anyone know if this is still being looked into?