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Installation of a Theme

Started by salesgorilla, January 23, 2008, 18:06:40 PM

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I am trying to create a new Theme oriented toward a store that sells one of a kind items.

I copied the default theme and added it with some minor modifications to the Themes folder.    I then went to Configuration / Site /
to select the new theme for my site.   I am able to select the theme that I have loaded.    I then try to configure the theme, but instead of configuring my new them, it brings up the default theme.

If I try running the system with my new them, I get an error message
Fatal error: Class 'vmTemplate_houseofart' not found in /home/.../administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/template.class.php on line 83

Am I missing a step in the set up of the theme or is this a bug?

Many thanks for the assistance.

I am using the latest nightly build on Joomla RC4.
Scott Billings
Links to my store are appreciated - got to get that Google Ranking up!!!


I have not even started looking at themes yet, so cannot help. This is something to do later after the functional bugs are sorted out. No point in having a brillant theme if the cart cannot work for the purchaser. ;)
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Yes, you more than likely need to make a modification to the theme.php.theme.xml files in the new theme.  If you copied over the default theme, that files declare the class as vmTemplate_default which you would need to change to vmTemplate_<yourtheme> and the name in the <name>default</name> element in the theme.xml will most likely need to change as well.

Hope this helps!


As of SVN rev. 1275, you only need to change the name of the template inside theme.xml. The class and constructor names no longer need to be changed. So, when you update to this version or later, any themes you've created will need to be changed. The class and constructor names are now (rev. 1275) just vmTheme (not vmTemplate_whatever).



Ken Lyle

Duh...I'm having trouble locating theme.xml...

It's apparently in the 1.1 branch...sorry, I was confused on the decimal places, and thought that theme selection was in 1.0.1(0)...

Hope this might help someone with any similar questions...



Stand by...well, I searched within Usermin for theme.xml and found nothing...

theme.xml on Google finds nothing ???

I just patched from 1.0.8 to 1.0.15