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Shipping tax

Started by Oliver Griffiths, March 17, 2008, 16:06:05 PM

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Oliver Griffiths


I noticed what I believe is an issue with shipping tax and EU mode tax rate. The tax on shipping should be calculated based on the shoppers address, currently it just returns 0.00 as the tax rate, where as it should be 0.175 (for the uk and eu).

I have modified the file classes/shipping/standard_shipping.php

I replaced line 162 with:

return ps_checkout::_tax_based_on_vendor_address() ? ps_product::get_taxrate() : 0.00;

This now gets the tax based on the shoppers address rather than returning 0.00

Hope this helps someone.


Philip Warr

line 162 on my standard_shipping.php file is this


is this what you want me to replace?